Want to give you hope


Well-Known Member
Jun 24, 2015
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This forum over the past 3 years has helped me through some horrific times, I wanted to give back the hope others gave me in times of desperation.

In 2013 I gave birth to my wonderful daughter, in 2015 I got married to my wonderful husband and hoped to have a 2nd baby. Sadly that year was so distressing for me and my husband as we had 3 miscarriages one after another and the 3rd rendering me unconscious due to blood loss.

I was so confused as I'd had a daughter in 2013 no issues... anyway I had to wait until January 2016 to have tests to see if there was a reason behind my losses.

I tested positive for factor v leiden heterozygous a common blood clotting disorder that was known to cause problems for women who were pregnant. Approxiamately 1 in 50 women have this it's genetic and on one gene or two genes making it the most common but least severe.

I was so upset that I had something wrong with me I felt broken and sad inside. Would I ever have another child or was my one daughter my only miracle.

It took some time to get over this as the treatment for me if I were to conceive again would be injected blood thinners and daily aspirin, this scared me as I believed I could bleed to death if I miscarried again and I also worried how I would get through a birth if I was on blood thinners...

In 2018 I felt strong and brave and I went to my haemotologist and told him I want to try again I want to look back on my life and say I tried and I was brave...I was scared that something was going to happen to me, maybe a blood clot in my lungs or i would bleed to death. I was petrified. But I knew I wanted to have another go....

On January 15th 2019 I gave birth to my second baby girl, the emotion that filled my heart was overwhelming. I followed people on this forum they gave me strength and helped me through some of the darkest times and that is now what i hope to provide for others
Don't give up, keep fighting for your rainbow baby. Sending much love and strength your way.

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Thanks for sharing your story Sarah, it does give me hope, congratulations on your rainbow baby girl xx
Amazing!! I’m so happy for you xx thanks for posting this
Aw thankyou for sharing very happy for you xx
This forum over the past 3 years has helped me through some horrific times, I wanted to give back the hope others gave me in times of desperation.

In 2013 I gave birth to my wonderful daughter, in 2015 I got married to my wonderful husband and hoped to have a 2nd baby. Sadly that year was so distressing for me and my husband as we had 3 miscarriages one after another and the 3rd rendering me unconscious due to blood loss.

I was so confused as I'd had a daughter in 2013 no issues... anyway I had to wait until January 2016 to have tests to see if there was a reason behind my losses.

I tested positive for factor v leiden heterozygous a common blood clotting disorder that was known to cause problems for women who were pregnant. Approxiamately 1 in 50 women have this it's genetic and on one gene or two genes making it the most common but least severe.

I was so upset that I had something wrong with me I felt broken and sad inside. Would I ever have another child or was my one daughter my only miracle.

It took some time to get over this as the treatment for me if I were to conceive again would be injected blood thinners and daily aspirin, this scared me as I believed I could bleed to death if I miscarried again and I also worried how I would get through a birth if I was on blood thinners...

In 2018 I felt strong and brave and I went to my haemotologist and told him I want to try again I want to look back on my life and say I tried and I was brave...I was scared that something was going to happen to me, maybe a blood clot in my lungs or i would bleed to death. I was petrified. But I knew I wanted to have another go....

On January 15th 2019 I gave birth to my second baby girl, the emotion that filled my heart was overwhelming. I followed people on this forum they gave me strength and helped me through some of the darkest times and that is now what i hope to provide for others
Don't give up, keep fighting for your rainbow baby. Sending much love and strength your way.


Congratulations and thanks for sharing. Hope with a capital H is what we all need. Enjoy your lovely family x

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