Any advice appreciated please?????

Devon Debs

Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2008
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Hello, I am / was about 6 weeks pregnant. I have been having mild stomach ache and light/moderate bleeding for about 2 weeks. It started off brown but has been red for almost a week, very little now.

I went for an internal scan on Wednesday and they said they couldn't see anything and that i'd had a miscarriage. They gave me a blood test and said that i would have to go in for another blood test today to make sure that the HCG levels were dropping.

The midwife phoned me today and said that the HCG level had risen??? She said that maybe i hadn't had a miscarriage and perhaps i was having an ectopic pregnancy. She asked if i was in pain and i said no, just mild stomach ache that i had had all along. She said she just wasn't sure what was happening. She said that i would have to go in for another internal scan on MONDAY!!!!

Has anyone experienced anything like this?? Two days ago i was told i'd had a miscarriage and now they don't know??? I've got to wait all weekend and my head is in a spin....any advice would be much appreciated.......
sorry i dont have any answers for you but wanted to give you some :hug: :hug: :hug: you must be going through a terrible time just now waiting, what did they say was the next step? could it be that it was too early to see anything on the scan? i would have thought when they were doing your scan they would have checked your tubes at the same time, but thats the bloody nhs for you :x

good luck and i hope you get some answers soon :hug:
i did have bleeding on and off for 3 weeks with hannah but she was fine, the bleeding was red but not as heavy as a period and went between red and brown, fingers crossed things are ok hun :hug: :hug:
thats odd, if a mc had taken place it should have went down but if a ectopic pg had taken place then you would be bent double with pain.

I really hope this is a good sign and that maybe, just maybe they missed something.

i was told that there was no point scanning before 6 weeks as its all too small to see.

maybe the scan didn't see it because it was all too small? :think:

ive got my fingers and toes crossed for you! :pray:

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