very sad news....


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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am going to post this here and on ttc as i no people on both bits hope nobody minds
went to my scan and the sac was still empty no baby formed in my womb.
so i had to go to the early preg dept and spoke to them about my options i chose to have an operation done to remove the empty sac i could of waited for it to happen natrualy but im due to get married in two weeks and there was no saying when and if my body would miscarry.
the op toke 10 mins althou i was under for an hour. everything went fine no complications i can start trying again after my next af has been and if the same happens again they will run tests to see if i can carry children
the offical name for what happened was a missed miscarriage
just thought id let you all no
manda xx
omg im soooooo sorry Manda hun - i just dont know what to say - if you need to talk you know where i am babes :hug: :hug:
omg thats just horrible, im so sorry im lost for words...... :hug:

hope u feel better soon. look forward to the wedding, again sorry this happened to you
Manda I am so sorry for your loss hun.
thanks everyone it was a bit of a shock but im not letting it get to me
manda x
so sorry to hear that :hug:

Hope you are ok
I am so sorry honey, I hope the medical managment goes smoothly for you. I am thinking of you :hug: :hug: :hug:

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