clutching at straws

roxane 1985

Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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i will do best to keep it short.

went hospital 2 weeks ago with bleeding thought i was 7wks 3 days, sac measured somewhere between 6 weeks to 6wks 3 and was completely empty, no baby (not even one without a heartbeat) and no yolk sac

told to come back 2 weeks later as a dark patch showed on scan either:

blood clot and the empty sac

2 empty sacs

2 sacs and 1 of them empty

all my spotting and cramping has stopped, really bad mornign sickness still.

when i go tomorrow i should technicall be 8 wks whether anything there or not. would apregnancy test come up negative yet or not for a few more weeks?

hasa anyone had this?
iv just researched this for you and apparently it can but doesnt always come up with a positive test 2 or 3 weeks after development has stopped. this is only internet opinions and not a doctors advice tho. x
i tell you what no wonder men think us women are bonkers, looking back at my threads im all over the place haha, bet my OH is glad to live 200 miles away so he doesnt see this nutty irrational side of me lol
ok just done a test and not sure what to think, i first did a test a couple of days after period was due and it took 5 mins before the positive line showed up, i took one a couple of days later and again it took 5 mins to show up, just done my third (around 25 days after last one) and i had barely put the cap on and the ummm bodily fluid had barely started to climb up that window and it was showing 2 lines. i really dont know what to think, i thought maybe it would have been negative now? or even been a fainter line but its as dark as control line

also made sure i used exactly same brand test

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