Very confused


Well-Known Member
Nov 8, 2010
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Hey everyone
I hope you are all well & enjoying this lovely spell of cold weather!!
I'm new to this & basically need some advice as am slightly confused
My fiance & I spoke about trying for a baby back in July but then postponed for a couple of years as we had booked our wedding date. All was ok & now I'm not sure if I'm having pregnancy symptoms or not

I've been on the pill for many years & my periods run like clockwork & it's a standard 28 day cycle. I finished my pill Microgynon 30 on Sun 3rd Oct then came on my Period on the 6th Oct - 9th Oct, I then started the next pill pack on the*11th Oct & on the 19th Oct i had a Pink/Brownish Discharge for 3-4 days, which is totally out of the ordinary for me. I then came on my Period 2nd Nov, expecting my normal flow & it was literally nothing there, just the pink/brown stuff & this went after 2 days, it wasn't even enough to be classed as a very light period

Since then I've had very odd symptoms that I wouldn't even get with my period. I took a Home Pregnancy Test on the 5th Nov & was negative

Is there a chance I could be pregnant & have I tested too soon

Your opinions & thoughts are greatly appreciated

Thanks, Kerry

BM = Baby Making
When I was on microgynon I never came on when I had my breaks... They were still messed up and I was bleeding when I started my next pack. it could be possible you are pregnant but I have never been caught when I was on the pill x

I'd book doctors appointment x
Hi misscrazycooki

Thanks for your reply. I'm going to keep an eye on things as everything all ok up until now

It's my first day of not taking the pill for good so if my 28 day cycle is right then I should be due on the end of November but also know that can take a while for the pill to leave your system

Maybe I'm just really hopeful & wishing I am pregnant, I had a 'Rachel' from Friends moment when I saw the negative, hey ho

i fell pregnant on the pill and had similar effect but as soon as i bled during pill days i stopped it still took me till i was 9 weeks preg to get possitive!!
Hey linxminx21

Wow 9 weeks, how did you cope? My fiance keeps telling me there is no chance I could be pregnant as he reminds me I'm on the pill & he withdraws but keep trying to remind him that these things aren't necessarily 100 percent safety guaranteed

Something just feels different this time & I don't normally suffer with anything when I have my period

Did you do many tests?

hey i too was on microgynon but i stopped taking it 12wks ago after 5years of being on it...ive been getting similar symptoms to you but got a negative on the test i did 2wks ago i havnt done one since im just trying to wait :s x
i took numerouse test hpt and ones at family planning clinics
i was only 16 so my mum took me to shop every week i had bout 7-8 tests until it finally came up n then it was faint thy had to do bloods too
i knew i was pregnant i missed 2 periods which even off the pill i didnt do, i was craving fried egg sarnies n had little bit of nausea i obv wasnt TTC so i was scared more than anything!!!!!!!!!
Morning ladies
Thanks for your responses, they've been great help & nice to know I'm not the only one
I've been on the pill for 14 years up until now, they put me on it to regulate my periods & did just that, I knew exactly when my monthly would arrive & when it would finish, I'd get a warning sign in my stomach but this time got nothing at all
I only started to worry when a girl at work said she had same happen to her when she ovulated as I'd never had before & then when my monthly basically wasn't there I was like "Omg"
The symptoms are really odd to, I didn't even suffer with stomach cramps or mood swings when I had my monthly but now.......

Bloated tummy
Achey hips
Occasional sharp pain that feels like its in my pelvic bone
Odd pains on left side of tummy & general dull pain
Feel nauseous throughout the day
Tiredness has just gone mad, had 2 naps over the weekend for a good 3 hours & falling asleep at 8-8:30 on sofa then struggling massively to get up in the morning, never suffer this much
Boobs feel a lot harder as well

I keep trying to tell myself I'm due for one almighty monthly but really not sure

Oh Linxminx21, I bet you must of been scared especially with the HPT giving negative results, defo gives me food for thought about waiting before testing again but then I've just stopped the pill. How did you feel when you got your positive?

Rh1annon how long are you waiting for? Your willpower is fab, I'm struggling not to do one everyday :)

Oooooo tis sooooo confusing but then again it's the build up to the most wonderful news
when the results a positive

Right, off to get my bus to work - Have a great day & speak soon

Oh Linxminx21, I bet you must of been scared especially with the HPT giving negative results, defo gives me food for thought about waiting before testing again but then I've just stopped the pill. How did you feel when you got your positive?
to be honest i crapped my pantss it was in doctors and a nurse gave me the test i was sat with my m8
she sed possitive i sed thank god she looked at me funny then i said erm ya wat...........she repeated possitive.................omg i swear i cud have fell off chair she obv see this in my face and sed i take it this wasnt planned........... well no obviously not....... i was 16 !!!!!!
she then offered me abortion n sed if u dont do this u wil be in here in 3 years time telling me u cant cope and are depressed!!!!!
omg the cheek i reported her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol
alfie is happy healthy lad n is 5 on thursday :D good luck x x x
hey well to be honest im not sure if i am or not as i my period did come in the end but it was late, very light and didnt last long and like you ive always been regular too i did my test 2days after my period started wich was negative the only thing making me think i could be is that again like yourself ive been feeling extremley sick everyday (morning-mid afternoon) but not actually being sick, my stomach is swollen, been feeling realy tired i also get some strange feelings in my stomach kinda like little twinges and getting headaches now too so im trying real hard to wait for my next period which is ages away yet (another 2wks) as i only did the last test the day after my last period sooo well see.....

did you do a test or are you waiting?

it is hard to wait i do find myself thinking about it everyday wondering what if but work is keeping me busy so kinda keeps me focussed lol. x
That's how it started for me then 3 weeks later I found out I was pregnant. The light period you had may not have been a period at all.
Mine was pointless n lasted 2 days. It was an insult to a pantyliner.
Fingers n toes crossed for you and happy POAS xxx
That's how it started for me then 3 weeks later I found out I was pregnant. The light period you had may not have been a period at all.
Mine was pointless n lasted 2 days. It was an insult to a pantyliner.
Fingers n toes crossed for you and happy POAS xxx

hi lealea85 i just wanted to ask how far gone were you when you found out you were pregnant? yeh my period was poitless too and i didnt need any tampons/pads either xx
Hey ladies
Sorry it's taken a while to reply back, been struggling this week!!!!
Well linxminx that nurse should of just shoosh, how dare she say that or felt she had the right to, I bet your a fantastic mum & should feel so proud of yourself for raising such a beautiful happy healthy boy :)
I really don't know what's going on with me but these symptoms just aren't budging, I feel really odd & it's not something I've ever had before.........on the pill I had a 28 day cycle & if that still the same since I've now stopped taking it then am due on week commencing going to try my hardest to wait till then before doing anything
What doesn't help is when 2 people at work have asked if I'm pregnant.......
How are all you ladies feeling, any new symptoms or any symptoms got worse or better?
Also another quick question, probably wrong thread I know but can you help with the shorthand words......
TMI is too much info but a bit confused on the others
Also another quick question, probably wrong thread I know but can you help with the shorthand words......
TMI is too much info but a bit confused on the others

im not entirely sure of them all myself lol but i know bfp is big fat postive.
af is your period...i think im sure the other girls on here now more though.

have you still not got your period?? my symptoms havmt reali changed much just still got the headaches, nausea and swollen tummy..i reali hope we both get what we want keep me posted :) xx
HPT - Home pregnancy test
BFN/BFP - big fat negative/positive
OPK - Ovulation predictor kits
CB - ClearBlue
FR - First Response
IC - Internet cheapie - the strip tests you buy on Ebay for example.
DH - Darling husband
DD/DS - Darling daughter/son.
UTI - Urinary tract infection
BD - Baby dance

Let me know if there's any I haven't put down. Hope this helps. :) x

Edited to add (ETA) - found this link which explains all the abbreviations.
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Thank you so much MissJuly that's fantastic, I can understand everyones posts now :)

Hey Rh1annon, yep I'm in the same boat as you although the odd feeling has got worse today, just fuzzy & lightheaded, just not myself. It looks like someone has blown a balloon up in my tummy as well......

Considering having the pinky browny stuff 2 weeks before my period, then having a period that was practically non existent & not starting my pill again on Monday, I honestly thought there may have been something come through especially with all the symptoms but saying that with my periods I never ever got symptoms

I've actually done 4 tests in the space of a week, madness I know but kinda wanted to check just in case & they were obviously all negative so am now thinking that it's far to early to test as my period not due till end of the month & that's if anything happens as stopped the pill & then if that the case don't really know what to do.......

Have you done any tests Rh1annon?

yep tmi is too much information
linx- omg the cheek of it! just because your young doesnt mean you arent capable of being a good parent, my best friend had her little boy at 18.....not too young apart from we were a bunch of niave catholic girl school kids haha! and she is the best mum!
hey yeh i guess we are in the same boat lol well i did do a test the day that my pointless next to nothing 'period' stopped and it was negative i would have been about 12days gone at that point so i dont know if thats too early aswell as ive heared alot of people havnt found out until the 6/8week mark so im trying to wait to see what my next period is like and go from there..mine isnt due until 25th so i know what you mean. we all know our own bodies and we can tell if something isnt right so dont worry how many tests you do like you said it may be too early why dont you wait and test again on monday see what you get. xx

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