V Day and W Day :D

You look absolutely beautiful hon. Congratulations again!!! xxx
Awwww Kanga, you look lovely and so, so happy! Congratulations to you both!! xx
Aaw you looked beautiful, absolutely glowing. Looks like you had a fabulous day x
Aww! This threads made me really smiley!! Huuge congratulations on your V Day and W Day! May your lives together be filled with much love and laughter! Beautiful pics too, hope you had a magical day, you look gorgeous and so happy with your new husband! :) Now it's not long before you have another new addition to ur family :D
Awww kanga you look gorgeous!! Huge congrats on your v day and wedding day!!

Aww you both look lovely hun. Lovely photos :) & your glowing too ;) xx
So finally managed to get online and update everyone with our wedding day story

Lets start with Monday morning getting ready, I went downstairs and my step sister made me a scrummy cheese omelette with some OJ, very sweet of her as she is only 13. I went and got showered and changed ready for going to the hairdressers and when I came back downstairs, my Dad had had a phone call from my sister to say that one of our hairdressers had rung in sick Luckily we had enough time to go down there earlier and had a different hairdresser do my step sisters hair.

When we got back the time seemed to fly witht the photographers taking pics of us getting make up on, the flowers arrived at the house and then the 2 cars arrived a baby blue VW beetle for the bridesmaids and a white and orangey VW Camper van for me and my Dad. It was a surreal experience walking out to the car with my Dad in my dress, as we had loads of people staring at us from on the bus!!

Stood outside the church waiting for the music to start for us to walk down the aisle I still felt fine, no nerves what so ever! Then as we started walking I almost broke down into tears, I was just so happy and scared to be getting married. The service was lovely and I managed to keep it together to say my vows, well only just We had all of our pictures taken in the church because although it was sunny outside, it was so so cold for everyone.

We arrived at the reception to find everyone unable to sit down anywhere because the events manager organising the whole hall forgot them at home So I had to try and load up my email to check the seating plan for everyone! We had a couple of late comers to the venue which held up the buffet, much to the disappointed of some of the guests! The buffet food was devoured in seconds, with some (including my and DH) not getting much!

Later on in the evening we had our first dance, which I absolutely hated with a passion!! I am very self concious and hated the thought of people staring and watching us! Turns out from looking at a couple of pics that most people weren't actually watching any ways and were having their own conversations still!! Most guests had left by 11pm, as they had children in school the next day or work the next day, the only down side to marrying on a Monday!!

We were last to leave and got a taxi to the honeymoon suite my family had paid for for us, it was lovely!! A huge huge room with a massive bed and a jacuzzi We had a lazy morning lounging around the room and put bubbles in the jacuzzi with the jets going!! Lets say bubbles took over

This week off with my DH has been so good, not really up to much, but so nice to spend time together as we don't get to spend so much time together. There was no arguments either Just wishing we had more time off together before returning to work on Monday. I am one super happy newly wed and mummy to be xxxxx


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Congratulations Kanga. You look fantastic and so happy :) Have a great life together xx
aw, kanga just caught up - you look beautiful!

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S !

Congrats hun! So happy you had an amazing day :D xxx

On a slightly different note, is it just me or does your OH look like Michael McIntyre? :') x
hey kanga
sorry to jump in on a tri 2 thread but i couldnt resist congratulating you on ur V day and wedding day...the photos are beautiful


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