Urhhhh Day 2 of the overdue club....


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2011
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So this little darling of mine has decided she won't be forced into coming out any other time that when she is ready. I've done every thing twice over to try and evict her, so I think I'm goin to just give up on the stinky baths and rubbing nips, and just wait for her to decide when she comes.

With everyone saying to me "ah I can't see you going over this time", including my mw, it kind of made me believe them, even tho there is literally no science to that! Silly me, because now I'm feeling deflated like she's never going to come, or that I'm going to need to be induced in 2 weeks time :( really want it to all happen naturally, and the sooner the better.
The only thing bothering me is missing tys last day at nursery, which is a week on Tuesday, he's got his sports day and although we aren't allowed to watch it (cuz they don't perform when mums are there!) I really wana be there to pick him up and to thank all the women there for all their help over the years with him. Will be gutted if I miss it.

Oh is on nights for the next two weeks so he's like "please come soon so I don't have to goto work!" Haha x and my phone hasn't stopped going off with people like oooh where's this baby then? Like I would have her and keep it quiet?! Ahhhh so annoying, I know people are just excited but when it's all day every day it just gets frustrating , especially when people say "ooh a hot curry should do it" I'm like oh what an original idea, why didn't I think of that.... Grrrrrrr rant alert! Haha!

Anyway girlies, day 2 of being overdue, extra fed up now, want my princess here! Now!!! X
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Oh hun, I hope your little princess comes soon. Don't be deflated though as she will come, be it in her own time. Stay positive as you'll need all your energy when she's here. xxx
Awwww she'll come!! Fx it's soon for you hun. A watched pot never boils so try and stay busy I guess, I'm sure your son has that covered! :)

You could always pop into nursery another day and say goodbye to people. It's a shame to miss the last day but you'll be busy with your little girl fx! :) xxx
Yeah I'm hoping she comes this weekend to be honest, haha! That way all being well I should be settled at home and will be able to make it to his last days at nursery. Just feels like such a big thing to miss, probably sounds silly to everyone else but id really hate to miss it. I've even told my mw I don't want a sweep, cuz she won't do it til Friday (8days over?!) so I said no I won't have it then cuz il be annoyed if it starts me off and I miss tys last day! Haha obviously if she comes on her own accord then there's nothing I can do but I'd like to at least try and work round it! X
Aww bless you, can totally understand how you're feeling, particularly about your little boy's last day at nursery. My baby is due right when my son starts school so I'm really worried about missing one of his first days! I'd be gutted!

I've still got over seven weeks to go and I'm already feeling impatient so can definitely understand it must be so frustrating to go over. Fingers crossed she doesn't keep you waiting too much longer! Xxx
Ooo Laura I do feel for you!!! I'm already fed up and iv still got 6 days until baby is due! Iv also believed everyone that said I would be early because my bump is so big but I really can't see it happening got a feeling I will be an August mummy!

I really hope your little girl is considerate and gets out sharpish so you don't miss tys last day it's a big part of his life!! Have you tried sex ;) only joking I know youv tried everything. As for people texting my technique seems to have worked I was getting daily messages from my cousin asking if baby was here and it was driving me insane so the last one I got I replied saying 'yeh sorry we forgot to tell you' I think she got the hint because i have heard nothing since xxx
I'm 2 days from my due date and like this already lol hope she comes soon Laura x
Yup I had really strong contractions every 20mins last night , fell asleep Inbetween one ! Then one woke me up at 3 then nothing but really bad period cramp !! Ahhhhh !! But that's what happened when I had ty and it all kicked off at dinner time again so fingers crossed !

My tummy was so tight I didn't even know it could get that tight lol x
Awww hope it happens soon for you!! I've still got 9 days until due day and already fed up ha! Think I'm just soooo desperate to not be induced - really want my water birth and I hate drips! Always had a feeling I'd go over though :( guess they'll come when their ready lol but I'm too impatient!!! Xx

Omg excitement, she could definitely be on her way then!! Make sure u tx me if it gets serious, cannot wait to start ur labour thread!!! How do u feel now? Xxx
Lmao!! Haha! Did she even question if u were joking?! Lol, defo gona have to try that! I've had people saying daft things like "oh if you have her tomorrow it will be on my uncles birthday".... And I'm just like, what?! Why is that of any significance to me? Haha!

And funnily enough sex is the one thing that's taken a bit of a back seat, did it a few days ago and got some good tightenings after, but then nothing. But oh sent me a tx earlier clearly indicating it would be happening later when he's home from work! Hahaha! So we shall see!

Eeeek 6 days to go, woooooo! Bet ur well excited, hope ur baby is punctual! X

Nope I think she just realised she needed to back off a bit it's not even like I'm due yet! I don't get the bday thing like you say why do people think your bothered if baby is born on the great uncles best friends dogs bday!!!!!!

Sex is the one thing we have been slack with I always go to bed with good intentions and then think oo il do it tomorrow lol!! I might have to up that one though I'm fed up of smelling like clary sage oil lol!!

Hmm I think this baby is going to defy its parents wishes this weekend would be ideal so we have a week before the in laws arrive from Spain but I have a feeling il be 2 weeks over so I have to put up with them when I'm over due and as a new mum lol xxx
Hope she comes soon for you Laura n hopefully in time for your lil boy's last day. I totally understand you bein gutted if you have to miss it. Ibhad to miss part of my ds' s sports day for an antenatal appointment n was most upset. Will be keeping everything crossed for you ( including my legs cos I've been given strict instructions my lo is not to put in an appearance today cos my mom n dad have gone away for the weekend) that your little lady arrives this weekend :) xx
luckily they're not staying with us they are staying with my sister in law who lives about 50 mins away so they're not on our door step and wont be over everyday, I wont mind when baby is here but when I am just fat and miserable my own mum is enough to deal with!!

oo I will do!! My concern is that his mum will take over not from me but from hubby and he only has 2 weeks so I want him to have as much time as possible with the baby and build his confidence oo well no point worrying about it what will be will be :) xxx
I know how you must be feeling. I am feeling so impatient already and really want our baby to come along,I am ready for it now!
this must be the hottest summer we have had for years!!!!!!! everyone kept telling me what a lovely time of year July would be to have a baby I now strongly disagree!!!!!!!!!!

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