Just wondered who else was overdue, i know there are a few of us so i thought we could have a thread so we could give reports as to how we're all going.
i'm 6 days overdue now and its really beginning to bug me, i feel like things are starting, have a bath and then it all stops
Have had 2 sweeps, one monday which i was 1-2 cm dilated and another today where i'm 2-3 cm dilated and softened
but still thick, thats my cervix not me
I just want to meet my baby NOW
This is my 4th baby, 1st was 2 days late, 2nd was 5 days late and 3rd was 10 days late, any guesses for how late this one will be or do you think i'll reach my induction date of 5th feb??
i'm 6 days overdue now and its really beginning to bug me, i feel like things are starting, have a bath and then it all stops

Have had 2 sweeps, one monday which i was 1-2 cm dilated and another today where i'm 2-3 cm dilated and softened

I just want to meet my baby NOW
This is my 4th baby, 1st was 2 days late, 2nd was 5 days late and 3rd was 10 days late, any guesses for how late this one will be or do you think i'll reach my induction date of 5th feb??