**Update - Bleeding **


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2010
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Earlier I posted a wee thread cause I had a slight bit of bleeding earlier this morning - well since that I had been for a wee several times and no more blood and also has on a pad but no blood just a discharge, normal. After luch I had to go to the toilet (bowel movement) and when I wiped at the front as well more blood just spots. Panicing I did ring the hospital and spoke to the midwife nd explained what had happened - she said that this is common and it was just due to the strain of the bowel movement that this bleeding can occur and if it happens again I do have to go to get a quick check. Now I am scared to go to the bathroom again!!! Has this occured with anyoneelse or any advice would be great!
i had the same the other day!! i had a number two and really strained to get it out (tmi!) next think i know i have blood spots from the middle and a tummy ache, i dnt seem to have anymore blood but i got a scan in the morning to check xx
Sorry not sure, I had a bleed on friday after sex with hubby pretty scary to see blood but I was told over the phone that it was just because we are more sensitive down there etc (also hadnt seen DH for 7 weeks!!!).
The main thing they seemed concerned with was whether I was leaking any waters and whether I was in any pain, so I would guess that as long as its just some spotting thats why they aren't too worried about it.
i get slight tiny bleeds sometimes after sex but not after being to the toilet..
Thanks ladies - god its all fun and games isnt it - I am a bit happier now that I have spoken to the midwife and also see others have had this too ~(not in a bad way). Seeing blood is def not a nice experience I had a whole wee day planned and that just put it on its belly!!
Glad your allright hun X

Thanks feeling better now but just cant really work out how the two areas would be connected in this way! Bit scared now to go but sure we,ll see what happens!!!xx

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