Unusal Period


Jun 5, 2012
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Can anyone explain why my girlfriend would have a period out of her usual cycle?

She had a normal period on the 25th December which lasted 3-4 days then had a 2 day period on the 13th January.

She is now pregnant and it would appear conception happened on the 27th of January which is 14 days after a period.

She had sex with another guy on the first of Jan, and thought it was bleading from implantation on the 13th but after scan her due date is the 19th October which means she conceived on the 27th or close to it.

After sex on the 1st she started taking her pill again which she hadn't been doing for a while and took 21 pills but missed some days and then took 2, but finished the packet. Could or would this have caused the irregular period or any other explanation?
If interrupting taking the pill can cause all sorts of side effects, one most common is bleeding. One time I didn't take the pill for 2 weeks ( I stupidly left my pill pack at home while on holiday!!! silly me) then when i came home and resumed the pill I started bleeding.
I think the 2 day bleed your girlfriend had may have been some type of random bleed from the pill.
but then she didn't have her usual period on Jan 25?

if she got pregnant in early January (last had sex on the 1st) her due date and the scan dates are wrong?
Hi. When I was on the pill, if I missed a couple of days then I would start a slight period, as your body may think this is it's break (like the start of the 7day break)
Also... Sometimes it just happens... I know my own personal experience I could have a period, then a week later have another slight bleed...
The scan dates and due dates are worked out by measuring the size of the baby at 12weeks, yes this might be slightly out. Some people get brought forward , others put back...

There is absoloutly no way to say when she got pregnant as everyone is different, every woman's bodies are different, every baby is different, every woman's menstrual cycle is different, every woman ovulates at different times, and lasts different times...
I don't think that your going to be able to work out who the father of this child is without a DNA test... Sorry. Must be a horrible situation. But its far to close to call...

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