Underage and pregnant!

It is never the babys fault its been born in to this world so it should not matter if you are 14 or 30 when you get pregnant. If you cant manage to look after your baby you should not be aloud to have him or her. then you can get help and get better but it NOT ok to treat a little innocent baby like that.

I felt sick watching it and i accually had tears comming.
I saw it last night and it really angered me.
The girl said having her child had been a "life wrecker".. I understand she's young, and she should be out wit her mates etc, but she has to make the best of the situation.. At the end of the program it seemed she had really started to change :yay: Good on her, will be hard work for her but she will get there xx
Febmum2be your son is not nearly 7 months already is he :O GOSH they dont stay babies long do they :(
I hate this tv show, Because it makes out all teenage mums to be crappy, and irresponsible.

And its just not the case. Those are the exceptions, not the rule.

And thats all i have to say on the matter.
i agree with you mammakat

i was a teen mum, fell pregnant at 17 and im not been funny bout myself lol but i think of myself as a great mum a lot of older people say to me how do you cope cause i couldnt, as my little boy is terrible behaved as a lot of little boys are hes nearly 2 and doesnt even sleep yet, but i get on with it and i cope fine because i have to and i wouldnt have my life any different tbh, i love him and my partner to bits, i knew what it wasnt gonna be a stroll in the park, im also having my 2nd baby which i fell pregnant with whilst on the pill after i had a bout of sickness. but i do agree that alot of young girls these days think babys are some kind of fashion accessory, and i see alot who do it that pass them of to everyone else, alot dont realise how hard it is in reality, and have seen comments on fb and stuff sayin aww i want a baby there cute, and im like you dont have a baby because there cute:shakehead:
I fell pg when I was 15 and had him when I was 16,I knew about sex,contraception etc etc but although I never really thought 'it won't happen to me' sometimes havin sex was more important than usin protection,also contraception wasn't easily available,there's no way I felt comfortable buying condoms (it still makes me blush now) and although there was 'connections' or whatever the schemes calked,it was still embarrassing to go and speak to some1 and admit ur sexualy active and my bf was 19 and also found it embarrassing,he used to get them from a pub toilet lol,also the expense of them also came into it.
Anyway,I found out I was pg in the July,my bf bought a house and I moved in with him in September,had my son in feb and returned to school 8 weeks later and sat my gcse's left school in the may and started work in July and have worked ever since. Me and my partner went on to have another son then split when our youngest was a year older. I'm now nearly 28 and feel as tho I've done the full cycle,from young naive mum to older,married experienced mum xxx
Good on you Emmamb thats great :) I dont blame all teenage mums as i am going to be a teenage mum myself, but its the teenagers that have these children not wanting them even though abortion is available I know it is horrible to say but early abortion is better than neglect to your child.

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