Just hormones?


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2010
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Ugh, I dont know if I'm just hormonal and being sensitive but my mother is really f'ing me off lately!

I swear to god she actually DOESNT shut up!! Its just constant talk talk talk and the only time I ever get away from her is when I stay with my other half...I cant wait to move in with him after the babys here! I dont even get away from her during the day because we both work in the same small town and she insists we meet for coffee every lunch break and sulks if we dont.

All she talks about is work or my baby and its becoming really frustrating. Shes got ALOT on her mind at the moment with hers and my dads health but PLEASE GOD...SHUT THE HELL UP!!!! :wall2:

Also, she seems to think this is her baby too...its not, its MINE!

For example, when I was a baby, I had a really lovely baby blanket, which I still have and I happened to mention to her that it would be nice if I could get one similar, she dragged me up to Shepherds Bush Market in London to see if we could find one...we didnt and then she just kept saying "well, we'll find one". I also told her that I needed to buy some vests but tesco and asda were all out of stock...a few days later, I ordered some online and told her this...two days later, she proudly presents me with a pack of vests that she'd gone and bought from sainsburys! The same sort of thing happened with an 'I love mummy' top which OH bought for baby, we showed her, and at the same time as the vests, she presented me with an 'I love mummy' top!

Am I just being a bit harsh and hormonal or is my frustration justified!?
I honestly am on the same wavelength as you, except my MIL is a frigging nightmare like that. I don't think it's a hormonal as it actually is really really annoying. I hate the way that everything gets taken over. For example I have had a cot bought, pram, clothes, loads of things I wanted to get and she knew that! I didn't even get to shop for my cot it just turned up on my door. So gutted. Clothes are all bought for me by her, so really I should be greatful but I'm not, as I haven't bought anything for my own baby. And the always says "we" when it comes to baby things such as decorating and sorting rooms and trying out prams, I hate it! It's my baby and no one elses!! I'm so with you on this subject. X
thanks lexi, im glad someone understands! its so frustrating and makes me feel like just hiding away from her just so i can have some space to get on with my pregnancy and my baby. i really do appreciate that its her 1st grandchild and shes got alot of other stuff going on and probably using baby as a way of blocking out other things, so i feel like i should be more patient but it really does drive me mad!! i really feel for you with your mil hun, she sounds like just as much of a pain in the bum! x x
In a nutshell.. Everyone annoyed me, everyone breathed too loudly, at the wrong time, everything that I didn't do was done wrong, people spoke too loudly, too often, ate too loud, ate too much.. Oh my god I could go on for hours :blush: I was a real hormonal crazy devil horned pregnant lady! I think it's all part and parcel hun, our bodies go through such huge changes..

I can also completely understand how her buying things and everything can be frustrating :hug: I'm sure she is just excited but maybe she just needs to tone it down a little? xx
I'm feeling like this at the moment with the woman I work with.

Her grandson went to a weeks choral workshop and she taped the concert on her phone and has decided to play it to me. Plus she just generally talks $hi1 all the live long day. ARGH!!!!!!
I really am so glad its not just me! I thought maybe I was going a little insane here! lol

People are such a pain in the backside! they're so annoying in general, but my mum, she takes it to another level! Love her tons though!

I hope Im not like her when my little one is older! lol
But it's inevitable :lol: I think at some stage we will all have the "Omg I sound like my mum" moment :lol: xx
I know EXACTLY what you mean! I am angry with everyone, nobody can say a thing right to me, I take everything as a personel insult and just want people to LEAVE ME THE HELL ALONE!!!!!! I dont want to me texted a million times a day, I dont want friends saying "I'll have to pop round one night" I DONT WANT YOU HERE RIGHT NOW, I AM TIRED BY 10PM AND ITS NOT LIKE WE CAN EVEN DRINK WINE!!!!!! Just want to be left alone till I start to feel like myself again x
Lol yeah, Im sure you're right...and Im sure our mums probably said the same thing when they were pregnant too!

Even more hormonal today! Ive fired off an email to the MD of the company having a proper moan about health and safety (or lack of) in this place, and now the guys who work downstairs are playing music REALLY loud and I'm soooooo tempted to go down there and have a yell at them!! :mad:

What AM I turning in to?! :wall2::wall2::wall2:
Be thankful you have your mothers nearby to annoy you :) My mom is in Canada, and yes she still annoys me via skype. But what I would do to have her closer to me during my pregnancy.

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