Umbilical hernia


Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2010
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I think O has one :-(

I posted a while ago about is outie but it has got worse an now doesn't go in at all and it makes a squigy noise when u press it!

I am going to clinic today so gonna show hv and see what she says.

Anyone have any experience?

good luck !!! let us know how did it go?
Hey chick,

Yes that does sound like an umbilical hernia. My Lo has one, its getting smaller but its still very visible. The advice Ive been given from my GP and Hv, is to ensure you can press it in and it makes that squidgy noise, and just to keep an eye on it. They don't like to do surgery and apparently they go of there own accord... I'm still waiting for that. It doesn't cause my lo any probs and never has, and too be honest I don't even think about it any more. But it used to really bother/worry me xxxxx
Hmmm I had an op on my belly button when I was a baby and didn't give it much thought but maybe I had one. Going to ask my mum now lol.

Good luck O! Did they not say anything at his 6 week appt?

Thanks don-don it freaks me out

Is this what ur LO's looked like?

Hmmm I had an op on my belly button when I was a baby and didn't give it much thought but maybe I had one. Going to ask my mum now lol.

Good luck O! Did they not say anything at his 6 week appt?

We have a 8 week not 6 week lol

Oh that's strange! Then again I don't get a 6 week check mines 8 week then they do the jabs for baby on the same day.

Hey chick,
Yes that's exactly what my LO's looked like. Looking at your photo its made me realize how much my LOs has gone down xxx
Def show you GP/ Hv just so they are aware that your LO has one xxxx
Your welcome chick,

Yes I soooo used to worry about it, and it used to freak me out as-well. Esp when you push it in and it makes that funny sound. I showed my Hv and she said I had to show the Dr. He gave me advice on them and told me how to check that is OK etc xxxxxxx
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I remember my mum taping and old penny to my brothers one when he was a baby to help it go back in. I don't know if this did any good but you have got to love the old remedies haha. He will be fine Hun x
Years ago they use to suggest that 3 of my cousins had one all brothers an their mum did it but I don't think it works xx

Lol they looked quite cute with a coin strapped to their tummies lol xx

J had this when he was a baby, it stuck out like a little chimney pot I was worried sick and the health visitor told me not to let him cry, because that was making it worse apparently .. made a rod for my own back I can tell you, his hernia went away eventually and I still go running when he cries.. he's 10 now! And I wish I'd not taken her so literally :( x
Ethan had one and it's all gone now ! Still has a slight outie. He had colic too so used to scream the place down !! Like they have said keep giving it a poke sure it will go soon xxx

Well back from clinic it's def a hernia so have a gp appt tomorrow.
Good news is he is doing good abd even grinned at the hv

Good to have it checked. Elyssa had one but it went at about 12 weeks.

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