Hi girls, Am I allowed to join here? I know I've just been preg and haven't been TTC as long as some others but I definitely feel in the shit boat atm.
I started TTC December 2013 and at first my cycles were really long and irregular. I had two chemical pregs. During summer my cycles started to go stupidly short at times, such as 14 days, 17 days etc. Sometimes I then had a random 35 day cycle in the middle of this.
Had midcycle bleeding twice, one of these times it was nothing and AF came on time and one of these times was the cycle I got my BFP. Just had a m/c at 10+2 :'( and OH and I are wanting to get back up and keep going in the hope we get a sticky bean soon. I can't help thinking my out of whack hormones have caused it :/
So basically, my cycles were everywhere before my bfp and I'm expecting them to be everywhere after my mc now. Thinking of taking agnus castus just to regulate my cycles. Do any of you use this?
Feeling pretty gutted I'm now at the year mark with no sticky bfp :'( I hate TTC!
Oh,and I have a feeling I don't ovulate every month, just something I suspected due to ov pains. Also had an ovarian cyst removed a few years ago and they took most of my left ovary away.
Oh..I had cycle day 1-5 bloods and they were fine. Didn't end up having cd21 bloods, I know I must ovulate at least sometimes obviously to get preg though. OH's sperm analyses was great. Had a horrid doctor who made me feel rubbish as I'm 21 (almost 22) and OH 24 (almost 25) apparently we are too young and should be out having fun! Was debating going down treatment route before I got my BFP but dont think theyd let me now I have proved I can get a BFP as they made it difficult in the first place, also our area only funds clomid not iui or ivf or anything like that. So think I will be trying naturally for as long as I can stand- here's hoping it doesn't take me another 10 months to get a BFP!