Dearest Emily,
Thank you for allowing me to read for you im most grateful , If any of your reading is unclear please let me know ,*I will now look over your pregnancy path with my spirit guide Ashton to help .
Im seeing pregnancy around you anytime now and no later than 13weeks.
I can see a positive pregnancy test being took on a Saturday*and I have the number 8 in connection*with conception, Could be in relation to month , Day, or time of conception.
I can see a healthy a baby girl born at 36 weeks plus 2 days of your pregnancy.
I do feel Vaginal delivery lasting under 5 hours with 18 minutes pushing
Birth- Sunday 19.29pm
Weight 5lbs 9oz , 18 inches long
She sleeps through out the night from 10 weeks old
She has Colic from birth
She has a curl to her hair
Providing you try again and I can see conception*when your daughter above is 1 years old with a baby boy...
If any of your reading is unclear please let me know , and of course let me know how you get on.
Kindest Regards, May your path be blessed.