Dear Helen , tuning in around you at this time and through my spirit guide I sense a lady who is ready to become a mum , everything in your life is going well , you are happy and settled and for a baby to come along would make you complete , I am seeing a conception taking place within 2014 with confirmation of pregnacy coming to you before the end of August 2014 , all will go well with your pregnacy and the birth with no problems foreseen for you by my spirit guide , you will give birth in or around the month of May 2015 and your baby will be a baby girl , she will weigh around 7lb in weight and all will be well , you will be over the moon your your daughters safe arrival and you will truly be the most proudest mummy in the whole world , my spirit guide is also showing me two more children ahead for you on the future and I see the years 2018 and 2023 for when these two children will arrive , in 2018 you will give birth to a baby girl and your final baby born in the year 2023 will be a baby boy , his safe arrival will complete your family ,