ttc is so stressful


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2010
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hi guys, feeling a bit stressed today. Before i got preg in april i wasnt even trying. it was a wondeful suprise though. The miscarriage really threw mw. Now we are trying to concieve and i find it so stressful. Im symptom spotting and bding on demand. Just feels wierd.

Does anyone else find is stressful??

Im on tender hooks now on my two week wait... I think im due iabout 6 days and so far ive noticed:
Sore boobs,thrush, bubbling stomach, wind, and headaches
Ive tested and its been bfns.obviously i may be too early but finding it all stressful. I prob had very symproms usually with my period and yet now im ttc i notice
I for one am finding it rather stressful.

It's the waiting that kills me - everything in 2 week intervals and it's such a long time...

I've had loads of pregnancy symptoms even before ovulation haha but now i'm closer to AF i'm i'm starting to realised that they are AF symptoms unfortunately.

She's due any day.

The bd on demand isn't so bad - it's the most action i've had in ages haha :lol:

The things that i find relieves the stress the most for me, is keeping the HPTs locked away in a drawer until i miss a period and making alternative plans and coming to terms with them.

I like to go for worse case scenario - ie, my husband has no sperm or i have no eggs/uterus - and then consider alternatives and research them so i know it isn't really the end of the world.

Having a ttc buddy helps too. You can see that someone else is experiencing the exact same thing and although for me it makes me feel more likely that we are imagining the symptoms, at least i'm not the only one...

Oh and the journals are good. I don't think many bother to read them so you can't just vent really and waffle on and at least get it off your chest :)
it is stressfull and im panicking more then most ha ha

but best thing to do is to relax and let nature take its course...easy for me to say pmsl!!
I convinced mysef last month that I was pregnant as I had a sudden rush of hormones, but I came down with a big bump once I realised that I wasnt and all the hormones were probably the after effects of coming of the pill. This month being a bit wiser to it all I am going to try and relax more, BD for longer and wait until AF is due before testing, may even cut out the OPKS .. I dont have a clue what my cycle length is anyway so would spend a fortune testing for the next there weeks or more...
Its ridiculously stressful...I can relate to this completely, after 8 months of disappointment I my last one being last night when Aunt Flo arrived, I have found Yoga and using my exersise bike useful. Im not overweight but It helps relieve the stress, cuddles with the hubby helps too and just telling him how annoyed and frustrated I am. There should be a thread on things to do Im sure ppl have some great suggestins for easing the stress.

Hey sweet, yes Ive found it really stressful and as LouiseB said I locked away the hpt tests and didnt buy any more opks as I was completely obsessed even when I got AF I still tested during! how mad is that and..... i tested again today knowing that I wasnt pregnant but just couldnt stop myself and I am not due on until after 3/8. Im less stressed this month where I havent worked out when Im ovulating. I go running to break the obsessions.....I try to keep it a day at a time, try not to project into what could/couldnt be. When I cant keep it in the day I have to take it minute by minute, clean the house, ironing....anything but buy into the obsession. And that eases things, and STILL I am randomly testing! But less stressed. Big hug honey everyone of us here feels like this in one extreme or the other xxx
STRESSFULL ARRRR.... a bl**dly night mare....
im due to test on sunday did a cb test yesterday bfn.. so just waiting for the af.
its been over 2 years of ttc.
august we are going to have a break from it all.
I agree with you all ladies. TTC is v stressful! I thought I would be laid back and see what happened but like many others I end up counting the days and symptom spotting. Thus far I've managed to avoid becoming a POAS addict but I could really see me going that way and I know that all of this stress probably makes it harder to conceive! So I'm gonna try and chill out!!!! x
i think im def poas addict with my internet cheapies...ive be Totally off the mark this month! Ive counted my days today and im on cd28. Last month af came cd34 (its still all a little messed up cause of mc) ive probably been testing too early if i go by last months cycle and im a whole week away! Ive used all my internet chcheapies so its now a waiting game. Lets hope af stays away but its sooo stressful! Gr!!

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