Ttc ammunition checklist...

maybe baby

Well-Known Member
Jul 12, 2010
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Hi Girls,

I've just been thinking that if I don't get a BFP this month, next month I want to have every angle covered!

So.. I thought I'd make a list of all the things I'm doing to improve my chances, and I thought it would be good if everyone did the same and we could compare.

Here's my list-


1. Use OPKS
2. Take Vits/Folic Acid
3. Use pillow to lift pelvis overnight.
4. Only 2-3 glasses of wine per week.
5. BD most days the week prior to OV and the day after.

Gosh seeing it in writing i'm sure I could do more!?

What are you all doing?

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This month I am:

OPKs every day even after I get a strong line (made this mistake last month) :wall:

Going to use Pre - seed during my most fertile period

Pregnancy Vitamins

Sex 3 - 4 days a week no less

God written down it seems like a military operation :shock: ..... although I have made some ground rules.... such as I am going to BD in the positions I want not what is deemed best and I am going to make sure each BD is fun and sexy I think if you lose that then it becomes a whole lot harder, I feel very lucky that hubby is a sex fiend and is willing to drop his pants when he is needed without arguement... :rofl:
BD as much as possible, use the pillow under my bum and positive thoughts!

Have to try and get some folic acid too. That's pretty much all I think I'm doing, we chose not to use the ovulation sticks etc.

Oh and to enjoy it! We try not to make it a ritual type of thing and make it fun. Thinking of buying a little outfit.. ;)
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Cool thanks girls!

I'm definitely gonna get preseed.

Miss July 10 I like your chilled approach, I only wish I had it in me Lol!

MaybeBaby - They say the best way to concieve is to relax and not stress about it, so that's what I've been trying to do. Whether or not I'm successful...well time will tell! :D
next month I want to have every angle covered!

...and so it begins... ;)

This cycle i did:
- Conception vits, omega 3, oesteocare and 75mg aspirin.
- Sex every bedtime from CD12 until CD19
- no pelvis tilting my theory
- decaff coffee
- no alcohol
- tiny bit of pre-seed
- only missionary position my theory
- ...think that's it :shock:
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Hi Louise,

Your no tilting interests me, I thought that it might make the swimmers go past the cervix, is that what you think?

Anyway because I was wondering TMI Warning- I had a little poke around after BDing to see what was going on and there was a lovely little puddle in the right place so I have kept on tilting, have you tried this?

Just being nosey! x
Yeh i have tried tilting before and loads of people swear by it, but it didn't work for me so i'm trying something different :)

I was poking around to feel where my cervix was and that is what it felt like so i tried to create a logical reason why i didn't get pregnant and that's what i came up with - i can't help myself :blush:

I don't know what is right or wrong, don't think anyone does, but i like to have something to work from.
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Perhaps I will tilt my bum up every other time instead then? I don't always tilt, think I did it twice last cycle. I did try the legs up method too but only once.
Miss July 10- good idea! I will have to give it try.

Now has anyone actually tried putting your legs in the air, I'm not talking tilting I mean right in the air!

Am I mental??!!
This is a stickie from another PG forum I am on. There's lots of women who got their BFP after trying the Legs Up method. Not a guarantee but it can't hurt to try eh?
Well this month i had my legs right in the air and i mean right in the air haha. I watched tv upside down...crazy TTC woman!

If i havent done it this month preseed is definatley next on the list!

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