True(ish) I fell asleep and missed most of it (not been well today).

True or false:

the next poster has loads of hobbies?
False . . . I'm sorry but I'm in the UK and I'm an old fashioned tea girl at heart.

The next person has just got out of bed.
False.... Been up for far too long on a Sunday!!

True or false...the next poster is sporty...
False - you'll never catch me near a sports feild! Got no energy to right now!

The next Poster:

You have tried ginger for morning sickness this pregnancy or will when you fall PG (if TTC) or have in the past.
I am not so sure...I think I will be so proud to be pregnant that I will just enjoy being sick all of the time, but I may resort to that and Preggie Pops if it gets too bad.

The next poster is ready for a nap.
So True....

Was up late last night watching naked pool party on Big Brother :) (soft porn)! lol

The next poster would like a boob job.....true or false? ;)
False, not just yet anyway...

next poster-

Your partner gets annoyed at the amount of time you spend on here?!
False...I don't have a partner, but if I did I am sure he would be highly upset.

The next poster loves having celebrations.
True - any excuse for a celebration!

Next question: True or False? You are at work now - wishing that you were somewhere else.
False.... I am at home and have been for 5 weeks! :shock: Wishing I was anywhere else but home! waiting for Spain - roll on Monday!! Only another 7 weeks of boredom left :( If i can go back that is!

Next poster - True or False ~ Your in laws do your head in?
False...don't have any in laws

The next poster needs to wash their car.
True - I am car sharing with DH atm and he parks it under a tree where the pigeons like to sit!!! Its quite embarrassing to be driving round in a car covered in pigeon poo!!!!!!

Next: True or False - you are counting the days till your holiday (I don't have anything planned yet - but feel like I need one!)
True!! 6 days to go!! :D

next poster:

true or false.... you like the idea of a curry bringing labour on......
True - my 1st labour was brought on by a curry (and a bit of a passionate moment in the afternoon!) - trouble was it was 5 weeks before my due date!

Next: true or false - you have not found another pregnancy forum as helpful and friendly as this one.
True - looked a couple of sites and just not clicke with tehm as well as you guys :D

true or false - you have taken advantage of free dental treatment already (if PG)
False - I'm terrified of the dentist and even a freebie is not going to tempt me unless I am absolutely desperate - stupid isn't it I can face the thought of childbirth no problem but mention the wrd dentist and I go all wobbly inside!!

Next: true or false - you are scared of spiders! (like I am scared of dentists!)
False....if you have to go to the dentist tell him to give you gas....I used to be horrified, but that stuff is great.

The next poster is horrified of mice (like I am).
False....I love all insects and animals except spiders and my sister used to have a pet rat who we used to hold and pet.

True or False....

The next poster loves the colour green....
Neither...can take it or leave it.

The next poster wears a toe ring.

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