The Person Below You (Game)

mrsT said:
Happybunny said:
True - I miss my little sister sooo much. She is my best friend, but we live 300 miles apart. :(

The person below me often wonders what life would have been like with their first love.

False - I know it would have been a crock of sh!t :lol:

The perseon below me looks at the tissue when they have blown their nose

True! :oops:

The person below me hates sundays?
False, can't stand him

the person below me is going to eat a big Sunday roast with all the trimmings today
SarahB said:
False, can't stand him

the person below me is going to eat a big Sunday roast with all the trimmings today

False... wish I was though!!

The person below me is hungry?
False - i ate it all yesterday (family sized bar!!! :shock: )

The person below me has a disgusting habit.
true, :oops: i bite my nails..

person below me has there own house,, bought i mean or mortgage.. sorry couldnt think of nothing else lol :roll:
sunshinestars said:
true, :oops: i bite my nails..

person below me has there own house,, bought i mean or mortgage.. sorry couldnt think of nothing else lol :roll:


The person below me is angry at someone right now?
True - My mate Gareth...always spouts 'mates before muff' (charming) and always whinges if we can't make a night out (says we are boring). Well he missed two of our mates joint 30th last night because 'he had to sort his life out!' i.e. his new girlfiend wouldn't let him out!! Bah! :evil:


The person below me fancies someone at work...
:shock: definatly false .. hubby wouldnt like it lol..

person below me loves this forum :cheer:
false, i was going but had to postpone to next year as the new baby would only be 6 weeks old.. ish

person below me doesnt like spiders

The person below me wishes they had longer eyelashes

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