True or False ?

True :oops:

the next person has told a little porky to their doctor about how long they've been trying to fast track the tests :wink:
mm true lol i told him id been tryin for a year when it was only 8 months

Next person wants a BFP so bad lol dont all jump at once
true! :pray: please let it be my month!

next person has used an opk when they haven't had a hpt in the house lol...
lol TRUE

Next person has become a regular in a pharmacist
false - i send my OH instead :rotfl:


next person has given up drinking completely whilst ttc?

false- but i rarely drink, and i only have one or 2

next person is looking forward to summer
True! Very much so! :cheer:

Next person has a pet cat...
True - Buffy the vermin slayer is her name :D

Next person loves marmite
True! I have got the guinness one and the champagne one in the house at the moment, also some twiglets and even some marmite cheese! can you tell its a bit of an obsession?! :rotfl:

The next person.....has resisted eating chocolate today.
true- some easter egg :D

The next person only ever thinks about having a baby...nothing else really interests them, if they are being honest
False, i have learnt not to do it :lol:

The next person checks their cp several times a day
TRUUUEEE!! he is too though ;)

The next person Is getting exited to test ? :dance:

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