True /False game

false! good thing about being a mum is it gets a lot harder to be bored. I'll quite happily sit around and do nothing when I get the chance :D

The next person has a day of cleaning planned, but suspects they won't actually do much! plan is to steam clean my carpets, but Jeremy Kyle is so much more interesting!

The next person can't wear any rings, coz of swollen fingers?
True - always being beaten up from the inside.

The next person has suffered with SPD?
False - no 2 and apparently my last according to DH :(

The next person swallows... (sorry it's on my mind right now :oops: )
true, but only cos I'm too lazy to find somewhere to spit it out :lol:
I might suddenly develop a liking for it though if I go overdue :wink:

The next person has done sod all today
True - Yesterday I had loads planned for today but now i've got this stupid Migraine i've done zilch!!

The next person wonders if this is it with every twinge and pain.
:oops: True

I should know better and I know it is just winding me up more but I still think "ooo this could be the start of something" :roll: :doh:

The next person is having beef for tea tonight (I am :lol: )
False - I had Beef yesterday though for Tea.

The next person is more emotional than they have ever been.
True - I am an emotional wreck and everything makes me cry buckets.

The next person has pets.
True - 3 cats that are doing my head in presently.

The next person is enjoying maternity leave?
FALSE- (boo hooo. :cry: )..I wish i was but i am working full time for 7 more weeks

The next person is sat on a gym ball. :D
false, haven't got one yet.

next person has gaviscon in their cupboard...
false its on my bedside table - it never gets as far as going back in the cupboard!

The next person is in negotiations with their OH over the naming of their baby
False haven't got to that stage yet, im waiting for Hubby to finish the name book then we might have to negotiate!!

The next person reads Pregnancy & Birth Magazine?
True - i'm also going to be in it next year in the nine magical months section! :dance:

The next person has give up something during pregnancy
True - my dignity, brie, rioja and a full night's sleep :roll:

The next person is going to come and log on here in the middle of the night/early hours to see if Tegala has any exciting news!
True - as I can't sleep anyway and am desperate to hear news :cheer:

The next person has had weird cravings during this pregnancy.

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