Traditional Names...


Well-Known Member
Mar 21, 2011
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The OH and I have come up with these so far and although I quite like them, I think they're a bit old fashioned... what do you girls think?


William as a first name (or possible a middle name)
(after OH's middle name and my very very close uncle's middle name too)

Megan Jane
Megan because we like it and Jane after my Grandma
Isabella Jane
after both our Grandma's... it sounds really old fashioned though...
Evie Jane
which is a bit more of a newer name...
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William will be one of our middles names if baby lynch is a boy after my Grandad (who past away 6 years ago) so im biased but I love it either for a first name or a middle name :)
Im loving Isabella Jane hunny, a very pretty girly name :) x x

I love Isabella Jane too! It's soooooo pretty :)
If we have another boy his middle name'll be William so I'm biased too :)
Meant to add I also love Megan (or Meghan) but not a fan of Evie.
I love Isabella Jane hun!

I really like William too but my stepdad is called William and we don't get on so it's a no-no for us.

We're calling our baby boy Jack Stephen so i'm with you on the traditional names! :) x
William - really like it

Megan Jane - near the top of our list, really like it.

Isabella Jane - i hate Isabella / Isabel / Bella - just a thing i have :oooo:

Evie Jane - really like it. Evelyn was top of my list until a relative nicked it. Evie is v sweet :)
I think Megan is lovely and not too popular at the moment either, i seem to come across a lot of Isabellas and Evies. I like William 2. x
I think William's a very nice name for a boy... Isabella I like, but there's a lot of them around, likewise Evie - it seems to be one of the nom de jour's. Megan is lovely, probably my favorite of the girls names. But at the end of the day it's your baby so pick a name that YOU and OH like - everyone else will live with it!! :)
Thank you very much ladies! :)

I've decided that whatever name we end up picking out, I don't want anyone to know until the baby is born. I don't want my mother or anyone going oooo no I don't like that name, which she has alread started doing when I told her a fe wnames about a month ago, they were none of the names I've mentioned above but I'm simply not telling people. If they don't like it then tough!!

When I told my mother I liked Matthew a while back she actually said she hated the name and she would be instantly put off the new baby if he was called matthew because a name can put you off liking people!!
Can you believe it?
As you can guess, me and my mother aren't exactly close, so I've decided not to tell people the names we finally pick out until baby is here. If my mother dare says anything then WWIII will commence!! xx
Isabella and Evie are lovely. OHs little girl is Isobel May and my friends little girl is Evie. Traditional and solid names.
They are all nice names, my niece is called Evie-Leigh. We're not planning to tell anyone our names (not that we have any yet!) too many people say things and make comments but they wouldn't once baby is born, although my SIL's gran told her she didn't like her baby's name and was she sure she wanted to call her baby that!
I'm hoping to go for more biblical names than traditional. But I did see these names in a traditional baby name section in my pregnancy book. They're all lovely names :) Go with what you like. xxx
Megan Jane is definitely my favourite, she sounds like someone i would like.

Mums are awful arent they! I told my mum I like Bertie as a name and she said "but it sounds a bit German, do you want a baby with nazi conetations?" I mean, really!
What about Leonard...? My pal thinks its great, and in a way, I do agree. Sturdy, responsible and manly....?
Megan Jane is definitely my favourite, she sounds like someone i would like.

Mums are awful arent they! I told my mum I like Bertie as a name and she said "but it sounds a bit German, do you want a baby with nazi conetations?" I mean, really!

Mother's...... they've got there own unique way!!! :shock:
What about Leonard...? My pal thinks its great, and in a way, I do agree. Sturdy, responsible and manly....?

LOL, as a massive 'Big Bang Theory' fan, Leonard is not a sturdy or manly name to me! Isn't it funny how it can mean two such opposite things to different people! Leonard is a super nerd in BBT.
Love William :)

I like all your girls names, especially Megan and Evie x

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