

Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2005
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Since finding out were having another gorgeous little girl were trying to get the name sorted. My OH is useless when it comes to thinkign up/liking names. It was me that suggested Chloe after about 10 other girls names he refused, and said he didnt mind Chloe so Chloe it was! This time I've really liked Evie for a girl and OH has always said no, but since finding out she is a girl hes said its a maybe :dance: So I told him shes called Evie as defualt unless he comes up with anthing else I like haha.

Just having problems with the middle name, I wanted Ann originally as its my OH's moms middle name (Chloe has my moms middle name), but Evie Ann reminds me of Evian water! :rotfl: So I'm now considering Evie Jane which is mine and my late nans middle name? what do you guys think?
Evie Jane is nice, especially for the reason you've given. I'm presuming you like one syllable middle names? In which case, other options are:

Evie Mae
Evie Pearl
Evie Rose
Evie Sian (this is Welsh for Jane, so could still honour your grandmother)
Excellent name choice Adele :wink:

My little girl is Evie Donna Ann Lorraine (after her grannies).
i like Evie Rose, i think they sound really good together. :D
Yeah Evie Rose is sweet but Rose has no significant meaning for me, Chloes middle name is actually Elizabeth, so it doesnt have to be single syllable. But the only names I can think of are Ann or Jane carrying on family names. I have 2 sisters so wouldnt like to use just one of their names, but then giving her 2 middle names as well as a double barralled surname may be abit much :|


Evie Jane (my and my nanas middle name)
Evie Ann(OHs moms middle name)
Evie Bethany Louise
Evie Louise Bethany (both my sisters middle names)
and her surname will be Hawkins Orme

Evie Bethany is quite nice I think.. but then Bethany's in my shortlist so that's prob why I like it lol

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