Since finding out were having another gorgeous little girl were trying to get the name sorted. My OH is useless when it comes to thinkign up/liking names. It was me that suggested Chloe after about 10 other girls names he refused, and said he didnt mind Chloe so Chloe it was! This time I've really liked Evie for a girl and OH has always said no, but since finding out she is a girl hes said its a maybe
So I told him shes called Evie as defualt unless he comes up with anthing else I like haha.
Just having problems with the middle name, I wanted Ann originally as its my OH's moms middle name (Chloe has my moms middle name), but Evie Ann reminds me of Evian water!
So I'm now considering Evie Jane which is mine and my late nans middle name? what do you guys think?

Just having problems with the middle name, I wanted Ann originally as its my OH's moms middle name (Chloe has my moms middle name), but Evie Ann reminds me of Evian water!