Torn between breast or bottle - getting me down!


Well-Known Member
Oct 11, 2010
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I have managed to breastfeed Holly for the last 22 days & breastfed Joseph until he was 6 months old. My main problem is that Holly is suffering from what seems to be colic every night from 6pm until 1-2am. Because I am breastfeeding she wants to suck for comfort on me, so I'm getting sore nipples & no rest. She has 2 days in a row successfully taken a Medela Calma bottle of expressed milk from my hubby, but she seem to be having a growth spurt too. So I am struggling to express so hubby can help & getting tireder & weepier every day. My hubby suggests for my sanity that I move to bottle feeding & formula, but I'm so emotional about giving up breastfeeding. Does anyone have any advice or similar experience? What did you do?

Sunnyb xxx
I remember going through this phase with Oz. It's such hard work for those first couple of months.

If you would be happier bottle feeding then there's nothing wrong with that and if you have a happy mummy then you have a happy baby.

I decided to perservere and now I've done over 6 months with Oscar. Bloody hard work though.

Whatever you decide just remember that you have given her such a good start and don't beat yourself up over it either. That's what i did, I couldn't stop BFing because i felt like I was letting him down, but know I can't stop lol Although to be fair it's so easy now, he's really quick, but now he has teeth he's biting me. OW!!

I did it for 6 weeks then gave up and I don't regret it, as I struggled and zac wasn't getting enough milk. The first 4 weeks were really tough. You have done brilliant and given your LO a great start. Just do whatever will make you happiest, as your LO will be happier if you are happy. If you do decide to give up, do not feel guilty, you've done great, but if you do carry on, remember it gets easier xxx
I gave up bfeeding J after 4 weeks as i had similar problems ie couldnt keep up with the amount of feeds and the frequency as well as a couple other things. It made me feel like crap and weepy and exhausted beyond believe which made for a very sad mummy. I felt guilty stopping but my god it was the best thing i ever did and would do it again every time. Hope you can work something out for yourself! Big hugs xx
How about combining formula and breastfeeding Hun? i bf for the first 4 months would of carried of for longer If i could! the first few weeks were hard work with constantly feeding etc But it will get easier But you need to do what's best for you and baby :hugs: Xxx
How about combining formula and breastfeeding Hun? i bf for the first 4 months would of carried of for longer If i could! the first few weeks were hard work with constantly feeding etc But it will get easier But you need to do what's best for you and baby :hugs: Xxx

^^^^what she said^^^^

I nearly gave up bf'ing at 2 weeks cos of demand feeding, colic and a growth spurt. I know the feeling of being exhausted beyond belief!

I started giving a bottle of formula at 7pm before bedtime (ot rather the OH gave her the bottle to give me a break) and it has been a lifesaver.

Mix feeding can and does work.

Hey hun!

I went thru the same thing with Georgie and started having a bowl of porridge everyday and taking fenugreek we are now a little more settled and I manage to express about 5oz a day so that Neil can do a feed too!

Worth a shot if you want to try and carry on bf.

Hope big brother Joseph is ok!

I had this with Noa to the point I could not hold him without him screaming his head of, he was calmer with anyone else as I was his comfort. In the end, I feed him n then waited 2 hours before I feed him again, he screamed n I tried to comfort him in any otherway u could. But no boob until.its been 2 hours. It took a few days but he stoped n also, when he ate, he ate properly instead of little sips when comfort sucking.
Unfortunatly Noa refused my boobs after 7 month (fully bf for firstr 5 month mixed for 2)
Hey hun!

I went thru the same thing with Georgie and started having a bowl of porridge everyday and taking fenugreek we are now a little more settled and I manage to express about 5oz a day so that Neil can do a feed too!

Worth a shot if you want to try and carry on bf.

Hope big brother Joseph is ok!


I take it the porridge & fenugreek helps the colic via the breastmilk?
We know Holly will now take breast & bottle & Paul has been giving her 4oz expressed for last 2 nights around 7pm. We have bought some Infacol to try & I'm going to speak to HV about it on Monday. Looking up colic symptoms, the way she's been screaming same time each night it looks likely to be colic. I really don't want to stop breastfeeding, so I'm going to get some advice at our local breastfeeding bistro on Monday. I want to express & give that by bottle (or let Paul), but would drop an expressed feed for formula if expressing enough would be an issue.
I'll keep plodding on for the moment, just need a bit more information to refer to.
Joseph is still loving his little sister & is such a big help. I'm sooooo proud of him. The first time he took her on the school run & showed her off was lovely, he was telling everyone her name & when she was born & that he thinks she's beautiful - bless him.
How's Mitchell doing with Georgie? I like the fact there's a good age gap & a lack of jealousy (so far!) How are you settling in too hun? It's a shock to the system with sleepless nights again after not having them for a long time!!!

Sunnyb xxx
Awww bless! I tend to find oats boost my milk production naturally and fenugreek is known for doing the same! I just thought it might help you get enough to express so OH can give a bottle and you can get some well deserved rest as rest is also key to milk production (and sanity!) - my biggest mistake when feeding Mitchell was not getting enough rest! I express from one and feed from another at her 4-5am feed and then will express around 7pm while OH is giving her a bottle of expressed milk so I always have some in the fridge - it's working out pretty well so far!

Does not help the colic tho which we are suffering with too - the little bugger just will not give up her wind so come evening she was screaming in pain (a really high pitched heartbreaking scream) and wanting to comfort feed from me
. So we have been on the infacol too! From what I understand colic is pretty rare in bf babies but the hv was adamant Georgie was suffering from it! I think going to a bf meeting may help hun - sometimes the reassurance that it's totally normal the way baby is acting and you are feeling is enough to help you cope a little better (well it was for me anyways!)

Awww Joseph sounds so sweet! Mitchell was the same kept pestering to take her into school and he pushed her round to see his teachers lol it's hard tho as he wants to hold her which is fine but she is either grizzly or screaming in the evenings so he can't! I agree I am loving the age gap too he is so thoughtful to his little sister.

I am good to be honest - feel ok have not been overly emotional or anything although tiredness is a horrible thing and does mess with your head - I have just made sure I get a couple of hours with Georgie in the day. Neil is very supportive tho which makes things so much easier and I have had no problems bfing this time so feeling really blessed! Everything ok with you otherwise? Xxx
Had a really really bad night with Holly :(
She cried from 9.30pm until 3.30am & then was awake at 5.30am for a feed, so I'm exhausted.
I called HV for advice, but had to leave an answer phone message & as they don't always phone you back on the same day I decided to call my GP. They want to see us today at 1.35pm to see if it is colic or something else.
I was going to to go a Baby Cafe today, but the GP appointment is half way through the session, so I'll not be able to go.
Apparently what you eat or drink when breastfeeding can affect your baby's colic, so I'm going to Google that & ask GP & HV about it.
Other than tiredness making me fairly weepy today I'm fine & I'm so lucky to have an understanding helpful hubby & Joseph helped a lot preparing for school. Let's just see what tonight brings - hopefully better than last night x

Sunnyb xxx
Do you eat a lot of cheese? I did and Caitlin though she didn't have colic was very windy and would fart for England, so loud she would wake herself up lol, once I cut down on cheese she stopped
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You sound like your doing a fantastic job, those early few months are soo draining esp when your the only one feeding Holy. It does sound like colic to me, my first had it and was always betwwen 6pm and 12 am ish each evening, stomach pain built up from windy feeds during the day.

Have you tried a dummy to help the colic? Sucking on something will ease the pain for baby, but not constantly feeding on your nipple for pain relief as then she is getting more milk causing a visious circle and more pain. So maybee a dummy would give your nipples a little break and ease the pain for her, between feeds.

Or maybee check with a BF expert at a baby group run by the health visitors or BF cafe local, just to make sure baby is latched on properly if getting very windy.

Do you take baby off halfway through feeding to wind her? I did that and got wind up then carried on, saved it all getting stuck till the end and then having trouble getting it up when they are sleepier.

Hope you get a bit of a break soon, if you give up you have tried everything to continue, so you shouldn't feel bad, easier said than done, but I would say try to continue if you can, as it is sooooo muoch easier, and at 6 months, (as someone said above) the teath are a new thing and been biten once now, but still loving BF. (I have had 3 completly bottle fed and now 1 BF, and BF is easier, nicer, cheeper and more convieniant by far)

Oh and slap on some Lansinoh nipple cream after every feed (best thing I ever used , sorts any sore boobs out in no time
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Oh hun, my Lacey has colic its awful! Do whatever you feel is best hun, but remember you have done great to of breast fed for 22 days already. Hope you feel better soon and hope the little one does. xxx
Hey Hun, I know it's not ideal but have you thought about trying her with a dummy when she just wants to suck for comfort? I had the same problem with C and a dummy definitely helped.

It sounds like you're doing a great job, and while I would always argue that it is worth persevering, ultimately it's more important that you are settled too, happy mummy = happy baby xxx

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