Tomorrow is the big Day

Aw no! Sleep needed! x good luck honey x
good luck Adele, although I'm sure you won't need it, you'll do a great job :) Sending happy labour vibes!! xxx
thinking of you today... how exciting - good luck x x x
Hi everyone ilittle update nothing much happened they inserted a tablet vaginally at 4 o'clock which should trigger contractions and put me into labour if not they will insert another one in six hours and if that doesn't work another one tomorrow morning but most people it works with two. If the tablets don't work I doubt they will be able to break my water as my cervix will still be too high so I will be offered a c sectionm fingers crossed these tablets work xxx
Hope it's not much longer and little man makes a quick appearence! x x
Hurry up baby! x x hope you progress quickly hon x

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