big day tomorrow

Wishing you all the luck in the world. Can't imagine how you're feeling! Before you know it you'll be on cloud nine. xxx
well here i go :shock: had little or no sleep but mixture of excitement and fear of the unknown and wierd feelings of god i'm gunna be a mum again after 13 years, lisa and alex has kindly agreed to be a text buddy thank you to all you lovely ladies for your offers and well wishes i just hope things are quick and i am at least 9.5 inch dialated when i get there and having painfree contractions :D stuart my hubby says i am being a little optimistic on that but you never know :oops: stuart will do his best to keep everyone informed on the progress and what happens and anyone who goes in the meantime good luck :hug:
How Exciting, Good Luck Hun I Know Your Probably Scared Stiff Too But Think Ahead, Your Going To Be a Mummy Again Really Soon! :cheer: xxx
hi this is Stuart, Sues hubby.
just a note to let you know that after 32 hours of being in hospital, 2 pesories and an attempted bursting of her waters Sue is still only 2cm dilated with waters still intact.
due to be re-examined and poss water bursting again at 6.30pm tonight.
We are both full of excess fluid!
I will keep you informed on this crazy hospital internet.
Stuart....oh and Sue!
You must both be going crazy. Hope something happens soon :hug:
OOh, hope things have gone well, any new yet lisa??
Sorry for the delay and unreplied texts, woh thats been a mad 2 days!!!

:cheer: :cheer: He's here :cheer: :cheer:

Max was delivered at 5.48am this morning (Thursday 13th Dec), weighing a nice healthy 7lb 7.5oz.

Both baby and Sue are fine, although Sue is in shock after having to have an emergency section (I'll let her explain it all to you when shes better)

I'd like to thank everyone that has replied to Sue and wish them all the best for their futures.
Stuart (Sues Hubby)

Pics will follow shortly
many congrats to u both, welcome to the world little Max!!! :wave:

:hug: :cheer: :hug: :cheer: :hug: :cheer: :hug: :cheer:
OMG He's here... :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Sounds like poor susie went through the mill a bit... :?
lol my fault stuart.. sorry.. i got your text this morning lol...

congrats to both.. and hope suzie has a speedy recovery!!
Here is promised, say hi :wave:


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