To gain weight quick.. advise please


Well-Known Member
Mar 22, 2007
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I went to the docters the last week for my asthma, and he pulled my top up to listen, when I had to pull my jeans up cos they was falling down :oops: didnt want him seeing, anyway after he done his bit he told me to get on the scales, I asked why he just looked at me with a stern look and said Because your jeans are falling off you, get on there lady now.. I was like ok then.. I got on, was expecting to be 9 stone cos I dont feel any thinner, just my trousers have loosened, and my weight is 8 stone excatly.. So without even trying to loose ive lost over a stone because I was 9 stone 4lb's 2 months ago

Ive not stopped eating completly but I dont eat what I should, I can see the difference In me now, my arms and wrists are alot skinnier and my shoulder blades stick right out, I got a right telling off and was told to make sure I eat 3 meals a day

I shouldnt have an excuse not to eat 3 meals a day now but I really dont want to. I dont feel like eating,
Anyone got any idea's how i can put some quick fat on, I have to go back in 3 weeks to be weighed again :? ive tried chocolate too.. Doesnt work
You could gorge yourself on burgers, chips, cakes, crisps etc etc....but then you would also get quite unhealthy hair and skin and quite frankly....its stupid to do that.

Why not just eat 3 meals a day hun? Breakfast and lunhc dont have to be big meals....cereal and toast for brekkie, a nice sandwich or sald for lunch, and then your usual evening meal. You can alway snack inbetween but its best to get into a healthy routine sooner rather than later.

I doubt very much your doctor wants to see you put on a stone in 3 weeks as that is unhealthy, he probably just wants you to put on SOME weight and demonstrate that you are eating properly.
I used the weight gain milkshakes but they didn't work for me but they might help you. You still have to eat obviously but they suppliment you meals and boost your daily calorie intake. Also eating late at night can help you gain weight as you don't burn as much off that time of day.

At the moment, All We eat is just snack stuff, Biscuits and chocolate bars so I would have thought i would gain not loose.. :think:

Thanks Jax For your reply, I'll try again to eat during the day properly

Lou I will try the milk shakes, Thanks
No worries :) Holland and Barratt sell them.

I think its understandable that you don't feel like eating so don't be too hard on yourself. I never feel like eating when I'm down and things are tough. I always wished I could comfort eat when I was very underweight but I'm just not made that way. The shakes should help because you don't actually feel like you are eating as such. Also you could get yourself some multi vitamins so you are still getting everything you need while you are off your food. I'm sure you will feel like eating properly again, just maybe start with small portions and work your way back to normal meals that way :)

my mate is a body builder he said the best way to bulk up is to change any body fat to muscle
as its heavier- obviously you dont want to look like arnie- so i would suggest lots of carbs-
bread, potatoes, rice, and protein- eggs, chicken, fish!!

but then its not healthy to gain weight by stuffing your face esp after loosing weight fast as your body will grab onto all
the bad fat and store it in case you do start not eating properly again!

the best thing to do is just eat a helathy balance diet- 3 meals a day!! xx
Deffo best foods for weight gain are eggs, Chicken, turkey, fish, lean beef, complex carbs such as brown rice and wholemeal pasta and lots of it. :hug: You need at least 2000 calories a day which is alot but its not impossible just don't go gorgeing on chocolate and stuff it wont do you anygood in the long run. Think lots of carbs. :)
I'm no good at diet things but I wouldn't gorge out for the hell of it (for starters, have you seen Supersize Me?!). I'd agree with carbs, and they'd fill you up too so you don't have to have as many meals if you can't face eating them. Try more meat and pasta and potatos. And at least if you go back and don't weigh any extra you can say you have been eating healthily, and what else can they say to that. x
dont try to gain weight "quick"! thats just as bad as losing too quickly. and similarly, dont just scoff loadsa fatty sugary foods this is unhealthy and just as bad as skipping meals to lose weight fast!

just try to have 3 modest healthy meals a day plus little snacks in between.

high calorie stuff which is NOT junk includes:
nuts (over 600cals per 100g- bear in mind chocolate is only 500 per 100g! but full of protein and slow-release energy)
fruit juice (50cals per 100ml- more than non-diet coke or pepsi! but full of vitamins and fibre and no additives like the coke!)
brown pasta, rice and bread.
alcohol :wink: (well actually spose that IS junk but theres no doubt its very high in calories!)

are u worried ur eating loads but still losing weight? if this is case u need to be screened for illness such as thyroid problems as left untreated will swing the other way then never be normal will be on meds for ever!)
if they all clear and u dont feel u have any unhealthy attitudes towards diet, then i wouldnt worry about it too much just now. youve really been through a lot only very very recently still so of course youre hardly gonna hav an appetite! thats to be expected. as time heals u will eventually just naturally fall back into your previous eating habits and your weight will stabilize.

if its really bothering u tho and u dont wanna just leave it then ask to be referred to a nutritionist. x x x
aww babes this on top if everything you por thing. Eat sensible meals, try and cook properly - salmon, chicken,beef with potstoes and veg would be great and have the odd maccy ds :hug:

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