TMI Q - if you view you have to answer!


Well-Known Member
Jul 10, 2010
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Ok i'm really embarassed about asking this, but stuff it - i'd like to know.

You know when AF is due, do your bottom burps smell different?

I'm pretty convinced that i can smell the witch getting close, and i'm mortified that now you all know that i'm sitting here farting but they smell awful.

Not food like, they smell a bit like period blood.

Is it the same for anyone else?

(and yes, by answering this everyone knows that you a a lady that not only farts, but have farts that smell!)

Thanks :blush:
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I am a lady that farts, but have to say, I've never noticed them changing in odour the closer AF is.
I have not noticed before when I was pregnant as to if they smelt my wee did tho a bit more horlicksy!
Er can't say I've had a period in like 3 years (was on implant and just didnt ever bleed) and can't remember that far back! :rofl:
No, I don't notice a difference. Probably just one of the things that vary from woman to woman? x x
You've got me all paranoid now :lol: I think mine smell different on AF but I think that's maybe because my sense of smell seems stronger somehow. Like right before the witch shows up our baking bread smells about ten times better and the cat tray smells about ten times worse.

I've noticed mine have got worse since I've started eating meat again. Had a small portion of chicken with tea on Monday and afterwards! :x Even the dog wouldn't sit next to me!

So yes, I'm a lady who farts. :lol:
I haven't noticed any difference between then to be really honest!
Hmm I think they do have a slightly smellier smell :blush: But I wouldnt say they smell like period'ness. :eh:
But I can be a bit of a fart machine sometimes, although that has calmed way down since becoming vegan! But sometimes phhhhwwwwaaarrr they are pretty nasty :sick: :oooo:
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Hehe this thread made me giggle :)
Never had any problems with smelly gas before until the last couple of weeks
Bah - you girls are making me feel like a freak of nature :oooo:
:bum::bum:I have never noticed but you may have just stumbled upon a new way to check when the witch is coming!!! pure genius - should we all start keeping a fart diary?:oooo:
Ha, im going to answer, becuase I had to view, being nosy, lol!

I think you may have a point, they defo smell a bit more different, but that was probably when af was in full flow, rather than just before.

Bizarre the things we notice isn't it! x
Can't say I've noticed bit will defo look out for this!
i dont fart - i pass flatus :lol: i've not noticed them smelling different tbh, although that could be cos af seems to be constantly here atm!
Im going to stick to the rules and write something!
I was one the pill since i had Adam so my break through bleeds were like clockwork then i fell pregnant with my little angel :( so i guess im waiting for my first proper period to arrive now, sorry i can be much help! x x

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:puke: Lol just reeeeeeeeeeeeeally want to use that face. He he.

Can't say mine smell different but I will smell and see this month! lol. They might well do. Tell you one thing tmi and cringe but I can feel really smelly sometimes on my period - hate it!

I havent noticed when i did get af, although i did notice i seemed to have more wind lol. xx
I think the hormone changes affect the muscles of you bowels as much as everywhere else so it's always possible that there is a change in how much 'processing' goes on before the gas is released, hence a possibly different smell....?

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