Tillys Overdue! update on pg 10 flippers and snorkels needed

You make me :lol: Tilly, I think you have such a great outlook on things, your glass is definitely half full. I always look forward to reading your posts as they are always so up beat and not at all negative. In the grand scheme of things with everything going on with your water boiler and not to mention your pregnancy worries you still manage to smile :D

Anyhow your bump looks great and im sure your son will be here soon. Glad you can have a bath and let us know what happens at the hospital, good luck :hug:
Hope you have a lovely relaxing afternoon, fill up on lovely dinner - reminds me must go and start mine!!!!

Have lots of labour dust and these :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Fingers crossed things get moving for you today!! :hug:
That is one big bump you're sporting there! :lol: Imagine how good you'll feel once you've had James. :cheer:
Hope things start up for you soon! :pray:
Well you still look slim everywhere except your bump hun, so I'd say you're just carrying a 10lb-er? You look fantastic anyway :hug:

I hope you feel better soon too, it's never nice to have a cold but I imagine it's especially rough in the last weeks of pregnancy because everything is so difficult then anyway. Poor you :hug:

COME ON JAMES!!! :cheer:
You poor thing.....the swelling must be a nightmare. Any day now hun.

I hope the bath makes you feel a bit better. If not defo go to the hospital and see what they say.

Hope you have your baby soon.xxxxx
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
thankyou girsl for your lovely messages :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Im staying home for now. I had a lovely bath it was absolute heaven!! Dad has a massive bath compared to mine, I laid in it for over an hour :lol: I still have a niggly head but not enough to be panciking now. Swelling is still there but none more than usual. I think my cold is infact hayfever as Dad pointed out! My nose and eyes are streaming LOL I feel quite a state but it will all be better in a few days :dance: :dance:

If anything gets worse I will be calling hospital but I really want to give Jamesy a chance to come of his own accord without any interfering. I have a sweep booked for wed anyway so lets hope he either appears before then or the sweep works :D xxx
Aww glad you feeling better and had a lovely bath,
hope your day carries on being lovely and your baby
pops out soon :D
This last bit seems to go on forever but it won't be long and your bouncing bubba will be in your arms. Wishing you a relaxing time (how lovely you're with your Dad at the moment - I love my dad!) until your little one shows up.

I reallyhop james comes soon Tilly. Your body needs the break! :hug: :hug: :hug:
Hope you feel loads better soon and that your little man doesn't keep you waiting too long! :hug:
i was sure after not getting on the form for a couple of days that id come on and read that you'd popped :lol: Im sure it wont be long hunxxxx :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
dust for you

hope james decides hed like to make his grand apperance ASAP hunny :pray:

sarah :hug:

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