Think its gonna start soon!!! Well i'm in labour having contractions!

I only know cos I had a consultant midwife appointment & they checked before doing my stretch & sweep x

Sunnyb xxx
I am again now. Had a bath to help the cramps. The pains slowed down earlier, but are back again now. Sad I know, but I'm hoping they continue, get more regular & stronger. Especially when Joseph was 9lb 7oz & the consultant midwife is now under the impression that this will be a good size too!!! My monographer bloody well lied the other week - she said it wouldn't be anywhere near as big as Joseph was. Seems she doesn't know what she's in about, either her or the consultant midwife is wrong. Let's hope the midwife today is predicting wrong!!

Sunnyb xxx
I am so excited for you I have shivers! Hope all moves along nice and quickly, you are going to meet your baby soon!!!! Arrrrggghhhhh so amazing!!!
Aw Hun, so excitedddddd

It's all happening, these babys r good babies

Just remember keep calm n every pain ur a step closer, u will be fine it's what us ladies r built for,

Lots of love hugs n thinking of u x x xx x
Oooh good luck shauna - and you sunny!! I hope things go quick for you and you aren't stuck with a long latent phase like me!!

Good luck shauna hun :-) hope your little miss is here really soon! Thinking of you!! Xxx
Awww good luck Sunny!

Thanks for all your good lucks!

You never know, may wake up in real labour! Lets see what tonight brings.

Just thought I'd swing by and see how you are and if you'd met little Lacey yet. Hope things are still moving along hun. x
Got period pains every 6 minutes, they woke me last one lasted 20 seconds. Labour ward said its early labour and to have a bath and take paracetamol. xxx
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How exciting hunny, goodluck. Come on baby Lacey Mummy wants to meet you x x

Hope things pick up for you this morning :) good luck xx
good luck hun, hopefully it will happen today for you :) x
Yay not long now til you meet your little one Shauna - good luck huni xxx

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