Think I might be in early labour...


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2010
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Woke up yesterday morning and my pants were soaked in water and brown blood. I put on a pad, but didn't get any more, so thought no more of it. Had a few pains on and off all day, but nothing major. Then about 10pm started getting what I thought were contractions every 15-20 minutes. At about midnight I went to the toilet and had lost loads of plug and had a bright red bloody show. Again, put pad on and headed to bed to try and sleep - MEGA FAIL. Contractions sped up to between 4-6 minutes and were getting loads stronger every time, they were manageable, but very painful. I was still in bed, trying to doze/rest between them and then about 6.30am it all slowed down, and now getting them about every 10 minutes, so decided to get up so I can walk around and bounce on my ball etc. Do you think this is early labour, or just a false alarm? xxx
Not sure hun, could be it! I'd say just keep moving! Even if it was false labour overnight, it could turn into 'real' labour whenever I guess :)
If you thought that could've been your waters yesterday morning then it might be worth ringing the midwife, cos of infection.
Yeah I agree with Becki you should ring miswife because they like to know if waters have gone, just leaves you more open to infection. Sounds like it's the start of something! Rest but when you get up do lots of walking and bouncing baby! May help start it all up again! Good luck sweet x
Oooh sounds promising but definitely call ur MW about the water loss! If it is that your waters have partly broken then you have to have your baby within 48 hours to reduce infection risk. Its what happened to me and josh haf to have 48 hours or precautionary antibiotics! Can also be dangerous for you too so please call the MW. Better to be safe ... Hope it is it for u though x
Just spoke to hospital, they said don't bother going in unless I get any more leaking or my contractions are at 5 minutes for an hour. They are at about 7 minutes atm, but not overly regular! Hurry up baby - this hurts!! Lol
Oh how strange I would have thought they would have needed to check you out regards the waters!
Keep an eye on it just incase.

Hopefully this is the start of something, keep on moving

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