Think I might be in early labour...

oh hun that is 1 long labour if they break your waters the contraction will step up a gear then :) hope your holding your baby soon x
That is a marathon of a labour so far hun!! stay strong, babes will be here soon.Will they not break them at your house? xx
Come on baby =) I'm sure they'll be here soon just think positive babe. xXx
Awww I hope LO is here soon! I've been checking this thread all the time :roll::)

Sounds like you're doing sooooo well!!! Thats a long labour hun......keepgoing you're doing great!

x x x x
Oh no, I thought baby would be here by now! Keep going gem, your doing so well x x
Keep going, sounds like you are doing really well. Hope the exam at 6 goes well.
flippin heck Gem your doing fantasic hun!!

keep up the good work, hope they dont have to take u in and break ur waters, but at least u know ur well on your way to meeting your gorgeous little one!!

sending positive thoughts

Wow amazibg stamin well done u dont know if i could do it am wimping already now wth back ache hopefully bubs will be here before mon or the lucky one will share my birthday!
Aww you are doing SOOO well, keep it up!! It's a shame they have to take you in to break waters, would be a lot easier if they could do that at home!
Hope all is going ok still xxx
Well done youre doing amazing!! Hope its not too much longer now chick xx
You're doing brilliantly! Keep being strong, positive, relaxed and be guided by the situation, not normal procedure (racking my brains for hypno suggestions!). Thinking of you and willing things to progress naturally x
Gem u r doing amazing - hoping u get the homebirth u want but if u do go into hopsital u can still use ur techniques etc and have a natural birth - big hugs and we're all rooting for u x x x
Thinking about you and checking this thread all the time. Baby should be here any time now. Good Luck. Hugs xx

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