Think I might be in early labour...

Hope everything is going well... maybe baby is here?! :) xx
Sounds like you are doing amazing hun! You are definately flying the flag for all us hypnobirthing ladies, keep it up! So, so excited for you!! x
Can't wait to hear how it's going hon - hope ur with little one now!! x x x
just been reading this post - hope you are ok sounds like you are doing a really good job of it!! xx
Oh I have just seen the photo you posted ! wow how cool, you look fantastic for in labour, hope baby has arrived and all went well by now, can't wait to hear X
Good Luck! I'm hoping LO is snuggled up in your arms now! Really keen to hear your story! Hypnobirthing for the win!!

Ooo just seen this, hope you've had your baby now gem!
Hope all is well! cant wait to hear from you xx
Hope all is going well and ur holding lo now! x x
Still no news? Hope everything has gone well and you're cuddling bubs!
Been trying to update but tapatalk not working for me.

Still no change, hour 44 of labour now. Still home, contractions keep waning because I'm so exhausted. Feel like I've been at a festival or something!!!!

on the gas and air which has really helped. Just been for an half hour walk round our estate and was contracting every 3 mins. got another exam at 6pm was 5cm at the last one at 2pm. If no change I think I'll have to go to hospital which I'm trying to avoid but my waters are still intact so they're saying to take me in the break them.

Very fed up but trying to remain positive and not get down. The midwives say I'm doing amazing and I have to remain focused.

Lots of love to you all, thanks for thinking of me,

Gem xxx

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