Think I might be in early labour...

Ah so pleased for you hun, fingers crossed for you. Dont worry what goes on here stays on here and wouldnt share with the facebook world! Thinking about you and wishing it was me too :-) xxx
yep.. Evelinas right. When my waters broke my contractions were 7 mins apart and started getting closer. But when i got to hospital and lay down and then horrid mw upset me they stopped. A nice hot bath helped my contractions start back up and come closer together very quickly!! Try and move around alot but if you are tired try and rest some.. Maybe bend over ball.. Oh gosh im soo excited im just jabbering on.. GOOD LUCK.. I hope when i wake i see some progress :D xxx
Yay good luck! Hope this is it and you get your homebirth!
yay i hope this is it for you i see your overdue too i hope it all goes well and cant wait to see update and then baby pics and birth story good luck hun xx
Contractions gone from every 8 mins about 11pm to every 2-3 mins now last a minute or more each time.

Finding it hard to remember all my hypnobirthing stuff and breathe correctly.

Waters still intact so not phoned midwife yet.
If contractions r close and regular u should ring mw...ur waters might not break til literally last minute (if at all) xx
Hey girls about to get in the pool. Midwife suggested it so maybe she thinks things are progressing ok?

Feeling a bit emotional - I'll be a mum soon!
Oh yay! Goodluck hun! Wishing you lots of luck and sending quick labour vibes! Your gonna be a nummy by the end of today :D x x
Yay! How exciting!! Good luck hun, hope little one comes soon x
congrats and good luck u look very calm in your picture xx
wow you look so calm! i was a wreck by the time my contractions where that close! about to be a mummy!! wohooO! good luck hun!
Great picture!!! You know what's weird, when I woke up this morning, my first thought was 'oh I wonder if Gem's had anything happen yet' :)
Hope all goes well, remember to breathe, stay calm etc...probs easier said than done :P
Good luck hun xxx
Woop woop - hope all is going well hon - can't wait for the update!! x x x
Just seen this good luck or maybe you already have your baby!! :shock:
hope everything is going well......or maybe you already had the LO?? xxx
Great picture!!! You know what's weird, when I woke up this morning, my first thought was 'oh I wonder if Gem's had anything happen yet' :)
Hope all goes well, remember to breathe, stay calm etc...probs easier said than done :P
Good luck hun xxx

I thought that too and I'm not even in tri 3 hehe. Wonder how she's getting on!
Hope all is well Hun!
oh how exciting!!1 who is text buddy?!!

any updates :)
Great picture!!! You know what's weird, when I woke up this morning, my first thought was 'oh I wonder if Gem's had anything happen yet' :)
Hope all goes well, remember to breathe, stay calm etc...probs easier said than done :P
Good luck hun xxx

I thought that too and I'm not even in tri 3 hehe. Wonder how she's getting on!
Hope all is well Hun!

i thought the same lol

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