Woohoo finally in labour! I think!

I feel like I'm moaning so much and I really don't want to scare people half to death but this is really painful. But...saying that...I have been contracting since 10 this morning and I am still on my TENs machine and labour isnt exactly going really slow. Quite proud of myself actually I thought I would have been screaming for an epidural by now.
:hug: :hug: You're doing great, no one expects it to be pain-free - just remember that people forget the pain after - or at least they all say it was worth it!
Think of what the pain is leading to.
You're doing great xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Hi im back from babysitting
how you doing now hunny??
Poor you dont worry about sharing how much it hurts
dont sugar coat if it helps rant and rave as much as you like

saying that i hope that the labour goes smoothly and you'll be holding you little Keiran soon
:cheer: :hug: :wave:
Hope she is ok...I bet she is in hospital now...she might even have had her LO.

Good luck chick!!! :D
Hi, sorry its been a manic week, of midwives, visitors and just trying to get out and about. I had Keiran last Monday at 00.05. 36hour labour (he was back to back) but 11hours of that was active labour. I swear by diamorphine and a spinal block!!!
Were both doing brilliantly and he only wakes up once for a feed during the night.(how lucky am i)
congratulations hun! Glad you are fine and baby is soooo good :D xx
kegzi1103 said:
Hi, sorry its been a manic week, of midwives, visitors and just trying to get out and about. I had Keiran last Monday at 00.05. 36hour labour (he was back to back) but 11hours of that was active labour. I swear by diamorphine and a spinal block!!!
Were both doing brilliantly and he only wakes up once for a feed during the night.(how lucky am i)


marie x
Congrats! You are very lucky getting away with only one feed a night! :dance:
kegzi1103 said:
Hi, sorry its been a manic week, of midwives, visitors and just trying to get out and about. I had Keiran last Monday at 00.05. 36hour labour (he was back to back) but 11hours of that was active labour. I swear by diamorphine and a spinal block!!!
Were both doing brilliantly and he only wakes up once for a feed during the night.(how lucky am i)

THATS GREAT NEWS HUNNY :dance: :dance:
Im glad you and your Keiran our doing well. :D
looking forward to piccies of your little boy :cheer:
Sarah :hug: :wave:

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