The riots

stay safe girls... this is awful :-( all of my main family are in North London near/in Enfield and near to Tottenham/Finchley/Barnet etc my Nan also lives in Camden and I am mega worried about her :-(

It's awful. No words can describe how I feel right now :-( xxx
My OHs going down south tomorrow, I don't want him to go :( I actually feel sick watching the news!
I'll be thinking of all you Londoners tonight.

Stay safe everyone

Liverpool has started and I heard Manchester was possibly? :|
Its started in Liverpool and Manchester was mentioned on the news :(
Thinking of everyone who has family/friends out there and pray they are safe in bed asap :( xxxxx
Just woke up for lo's feed and sirens still going .. Looked on net and deems they have looted practically every shop the could round here. Disgusted :( x

My fiance got caught in the middle of this in Ealing, thank f**k I stayed indoors and it hasn't affected Chiswick... Yet. He's alright thankfully just a few cuts and bruises, most of which were caused by police randomly deciding, 'he's trying to get to safety and he's not armed, he must be a rioter lets attack him.' God help them if they'd have caused him serious damage because I would find out who was responsible and good luck trying to ever work with police again because I would have damn well made sure they never did! Not getting at police for starting it, the rioters get what they deserve, but I'm protective as hell over my guy and be they rioters or cops, hurt him and you'll need a miracle I swear.
It will be interesting to see what David Cameron has to say when he shows his face today. How good of him to come away from his holiday while his country burns :roll: and where's Boris?! I've woken up feeling very angry this morning. Not good :(
My fiance got caught in the middle of this in Ealing, thank f**k I stayed indoors and it hasn't affected Chiswick... Yet. He's alright thankfully just a few cuts and bruises, most of which were caused by police randomly deciding, 'he's trying to get to safety and he's not armed, he must be a rioter lets attack him.' God help them if they'd have caused him serious damage because I would find out who was responsible and good luck trying to ever work with police again because I would have damn well made sure they never did! Not getting at police for starting it, the rioters get what they deserve, but I'm protective as hell over my guy and be they rioters or cops, hurt him and you'll need a miracle I swear.

It's sad because innocent people will unfortunately get caught up in the mayhem of these disturbances & even more unfortunately, get hurt. In highly stressful situations like riots, with hundreds of violent individuals & missiles being thrown, it is very difficult to identify the perpetrators from the innocent people who have been caught up in it.
But we should keep praising the police & emergency services for all their hard work.
My OH & his brave colleagues have had bricks, knives & fire bombs thrown at them, faced violence & attack from hundreds of angry rioters. My OH is bruised & battered. They've worked 28 hour shifts with no sleep, breaks or food. My OH, colleagues & friends are all honest, innocent, hard working individuals with families and children praying they return home safely. None of them asked for this but are putting their lives in danger to protect us all & restore peace in London ( & now the UK). I could not be prouder.

I hope your OH is ok xxx
It's disgusting that only 10% of these rioters have genuine reasons for protesting - the other 90% of people (and I use that term loosely) just want the trouble, violence and thieving that inevitably comes of it.

Just hearing comments on Daybreak from viewers, such as "bring in the army" and "bring in water cannons". And there's one of the problems - our soldiers who should be able to defend their country are fighting in someone elses. As for the water cannons... apparently they're all in Northern Ireland!

The future for the UK does not look bright :(
I'm starting to feel sorry if the blokey who got shot's family. Everyone's using his death as an excuse to do this when it's got nothing to do with him why people are rioting!
I'm starting to feel sorry if the blokey who got shot's family. Everyone's using his death as an excuse to do this when it's got nothing to do with him why people are rioting!

People were also saying on the news yesterday that if they hadn't had the peaceful protest that started all this on Saturday then none of this would have happened. Really not fair on that family at all, regardless of what their son did / didn't do (no-one knows because it's all still subject to an IPCC investigation!) to get himself shot by police, they're certainly not responsible for the scum on the streets
I don't care who started it White black Asian, etc it is ridiculous and pathetic and it has nothing to do with the lad that got shot they r just using it as an excuse to act like morons
I also feel sorry for Mark Duggans family. Regardless of what he did or didn't do, this has overshadowed the fact that a family have lost their son/brother/cousin. Rioters & looters who say this is in his honour should be ashamed on themselves.
Most of them will have never even heard of Mark Duggan...they won't even be doing it because they're angry about cuts, or any of the other crappy excuses they've come up with. The fact is they are violent, thieving, mindless thugs and arsonists who seem to think it's ok to destroy their own community. I hope they all get what they deserve!

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