The riots

From what my OH was hearing the rioters ranting about they're heading for Chiswick and Acton next. He got stuck in a throng of them pretending to riot just so he'd be safe and the police would stop smacking him one so he overheard a lot of conversation between rioters and they were going on about coming around this area tonight.
I would suggest staying put & not venturing anywhere in the evenings if you want to stay safe. There's also the risk you could get caught up in the riots. The police are doing all they can to keep the streets and innocent people safe at the moment. It's an extremely tough job they all face, but they are doing their absolute best under so much pressure. The rioters could attack anywhere - I guess nowhere is safe - but I'd say home is the best bet. Stay safe ladies xxx
police have just turned up at my work, they want to use our cameras from last night and want to use them tonight, also might use the building.

CEO is closing the building early! x
Croydon is on shutdown. It's already kicking off. Another long dangerous night for my OH & the emergency services :(
Just seen this now, I really hope my OH stays with a friend tonight, am absolutely petrified as he has to come through Croydon :(
kezza i keep hearing there is an unofficial curfew in croydon, can ur hubbie get home earlier? xx
I've told him croydons on shutdown so either to leave early or stay with a friend & I really hope he listens

I've been sat in tears petrified for his safety :(

Are you safe hun?

yeah just at work still, leaving early. my OH works in the city though (altho that seems OK so far) lots of sirens around here, hearing lots of rumours of other parts of london already kicking off.

just really hope they dont come back to clapham junction and battersea tonight :( it was so scarey :(

Bless you, I really hope he's ok. I think they're shutting off Southall but they're heading towards my OHs area. His Dr called him and told him not to bother going to his appointment and stay indoors. I'm terrified they're gonna come over this way, there's no-one in the house but me and I'm not so good at defending myself.
I've been watching sky news today & absolutely horrified at the footage & at the things these people have done
Why do people feel the need to cause riots, it only results in getting hurt anyway. It's shocking! lifes to short to be injuring yourself or other people.
Croydon is on shutdown. It's already kicking off. Another long dangerous night for my OH & the emergency services :(

I'm an officer and luckily on maternity leave ( handed in my notice too so won't be at end of aug) I'm just glAd I didn't get sent out there, having a baby has made me realise How dangerous my job is!!my poor colleagues xx
100% agree Charlene. And Constantstar, you have my respect just for that statement alone. I'm glad you're not going into it, but I respect you for taking on a job like you do in the first place.
OH is still stuck in Croydon and just watched a police officer get stabbed in the neck! I am horrified!!

These poor innocent people!!!!

Tescos in Purley was nearly looted earlier & Purley Way / Valley Park have been well & truly looted apparently.
I think curfew is a good idea. I would happily give up my freedom temporarily if it meant this horrible mess would be cleared up.
Kezza, hope your OH gets home safe. I know a lot of businesses are shutting early so maybe his will too & he will miss any trouble.
Wish I could keep my OH safe at home. He's just getting ready to go out on the streets for another night of violence :( Another sleepless night ahead!!!
Keep safe ladies xxx
Constantstar, I'm an officer too but obviously not bring sent out as I'm pregnant. Where were you based? I'm so so proud of our brave colleagues xx

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