The Gestational Diabetes support thread

Yeeey for good readings!!!

my legs are shitty too...

Managed to progress a little with tidying the baby's room...
so many things the little monkeys need :faint: we have a 2 floor house + basement and we still seem to have no place for everything???

Just ate coconut flour cheddar cookies. This time I put pieces of chopped bacon inside too.
They taste delicious... I barely managed to stop myself at 2...
Hope I have never heard of these??? interesting... I might have to look them up :) x
Jaxx type on google lynda low carb recipes and You get a fabulous site with all kind of things.
Some of those need some modifications especially if you want then a little lower fat but all of them are fabulous for great low carb ideas.
Yes I'm going to be angling towards a low fat / low carb probably totally and utterly tasteless diet from now on lmao :)

BUT tbh I'd pick being healthy over bad food so I'm healthy for my babies any day!!! Xx
Good morning :)

The damn goats (there are some goats in a field exactly near the house) woke me at 5.... :roll:

5.6 this morning, I had the usual low carb bread with some cream cheese and ham. I am out of eggs yet again!!!!
Lunch will be yogurt and a couple of the cheddar cookies and blueberries.
Dinner I have no idea yet?????
I think maybe sausages with some vegetables for me and mash for my oh??
Did I mention how sick I am of meat and vegetables lol???

More laundry today! We are only 2 and I can barely keep up with laundry!!! No idea how you girls do it :(

I dont have a dryer though I line dry them (inside at winter)

I progressed also with my hospital bag, though it's not finished ofc...
Do I need nipple shields with me? Or a bottle? Just in case bf goes all wrong? And how about a pacifier?
I am so clueless lol...

Also a little worrying 35+ weeks and still no sign of colostrum? Not even if a squish my nipples??

I hope you have good readings Amy! How are you feeling today?

Jaxx do you still have that pain? How was the day yesterday with your babies?

Have a nice day girls!
Hi girls I hope your all good today.
My readings have been good for fasting and breakfast a little high for lunch
hope have you any idea why my wee might be bright orange? It'd been like this for 3 days I thought it was because I wasn't drinking enough but I have drank lots if water and it's still the same.
No other idea other than you need more water?
Or if you ate beets maybe?
No beets and if I drink anymore water I will pop lol
I'm glad I have the hospital Thursday but hopefully It will be sorted before then x
You don't have any pain do you???
It may be blood from some infection???
Aw sorry to hear that Amy :( if you've got an infection it may explain why your levels are high... When you are poorly they are harder to control? Just a thought xx
I'm having alot of strong bh but no stinging or noticeable pain.
I didnt know that Jaxx it could explain my readings. How you feeling? X
Right saw the doctor again today, yet a different one... The first one measured the bean at 91 centile the second at 98 centile and today at 90 centile....

Only if they would make their mind really...

Anyway seeing my consultant in private practice at 37+3 she will check my cervix and if favorable she will give me a sweep.

I was so out and about today that I did no readings :blush:

How do you get on girls?
God they are different aren't they!
Dont worry about missing a day it's not the end of the world. I bet you can't wait to see your consultant.
I'm ok just really tired I'm hot all the bloody time. My wee is now very cloudy and dark so I'm thinking infection for sure. My readings have been up and down but nothing to high thank god x
Sounds like an uti amy :( but treating that will definitely help your glucose levels too.
Do you have chamomile at home? Drink some chamomile tea really helps with utis.

Btw does it hurt when they check your cervix and they do a sweep?
I have heard so many women screaming the wards down at OBEM when they get checked that I am absolutely terrified of that :(
I must get some in thanks for the tip hun.
Having your cervix checked shouldnt hurt it can be uncomfortable and you might be crampy afterwards but I think that's good as things are getting under way. The key is to relax the more uptight you are the more uncomfortable it will be. Nice deep relaxing breaths and you will be fine. Most of the ladies you see scream I think is out of fear more then pain. X
Midwives is frightening me to death why am I watching it????
I stopped watching OBEM for that reason... All those screaming ladies there :(

Go cuddle your kiddies instead :hug:
It's about gd tonight. Al is asleep on my lap I think I will prod him to wake him up x
Lol :) I think I don't want to know any sinister outcome of GD :(

Can we fast forward to the moment when our princesses are here safe and sound and we drink a hot coco and a cupcake while we have baby cuddles,????
good morning girls

again i couldnt sleep... woke up by a storm at 3 o clock and couldnt go back to sleep...cant wait to be nap time lol...

i have no idea what the todays meals will be :( did i mention how sick i am of the same foods all day every day?????

what are you having amy?

jaxx how are you feeling? did you have a heart scan yet?

have a nice day girls and i hope you get good readings today amy. is your uti getting sorted soon?

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