**The All New 'No Sleep Club' thread**

midna said:
Aye I wonder this too ...luckily Im able to get her back to sleep at the moment but it seems I dont sleep for longer than 30mins at a time if that sometimes ..well last night she done a 3 hour stretch without dummying me or wrigglin and want movin it was much needed...I hadnt seen you post for a while was wondering about your previous post and to wether you survived ...but you have :lol: ..and so have I ....just!

Yeah surviving just. We went on holiday for a week. Was nice to be out of our house but at the same time really hard work. Took LO two days to get used to being away and and then she got a cold and then we came back! Took another two days to get used to being home.

I am so tired though. Feel really rough all the time. She is nearly 7 months now but I still feel like I just had her last week. :( I don't think she is a 'difficult' baby but she is just so active and so frustrated 'cos she can't do what she wants to do e.g crawl/walk/run/fly so she sees us as a way of being able to do these things.

New thing at 6 months is crying if she can't get what she wants - like REALLY howling as if she is hurt. Fell for it at first but now she does it every time she wants to stand up - which is all the time...

How is Seed?
Told OH the other day that I am just gonna wait it out until I can say to her 'go back to sleep' and she understands!
Lola slept from 2.20am till 6.40am last night so i'm shattered today :(

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Lola can't fly yet but she's not giving up trying
I really feel for all you mummies. ds is getting better but he's such a random sleeper - he will sleep through for 3 nights in a row then suddenly wake up at 2am and refuse to go back to sleep until 4! And he's over a year now... I've started doing some controlled crying with him now, I wasn't happy doing it when he was younger but I figure he's old enough now to get on with it a bit better. It doesn't help that he's got big back teeth coming through & they're really hurting him.

ds was always a really good baby when he was awake, he was always happy & smiling & eager to learn new things. It was only at night he turned into the THING. He still gets frustrated & it's just how you described it newmum - he screams as if he's in pain & goes bright red in the face. We've been getting proper temper tantrums too where he falls over deliberately and kicks his legs if we tell him 'no' for trying to climb into the oven or eat the cat...

Hopefully your LOs will sort themselves out before they're ds's age!
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:wave: Hi Lola's mummy - what is Lola up to at the moment then? Do you mean that she only slept from 2.30? What was she doing before then? It is so hard isn't it? YOu do an amazing job at being so cheerful considering the lack of sleep :)

Thanks Maybebaby for checking in on us :) Hope you are having a good week with little Austin. I'm not sure if I've seen pics of him...do you post them? Just trying to think now... I keep thinking in a way it will be easier when they are a bit older and know what they are doing and what you are doing e.g. with the controlled crying. When she cries now I feel sorry for her because she doesn't get what is going on (as far as I know..... :think: or maybe she does :) )but then on the othen hand it gets harder with the tantrums.

oh oh she is awake...back later
Hi newmum - Yes she only slept from 2.20am. She was just playing and full of energy then at about 2am started to get tired :wall: If i try to put her to sleep before she's tired she will just scream the house down or hit the boobie out of her mouth :(

We had quite a good night last night though. Lola went to bed at about 9.30pm in her cot. She then woke up at 11pm and 2am but i managed to get her back to sleep with just cuddles and put her back in the cot.
Then at 3am she wouldn't go back in her cot so came in our bed but still woke up at 4am and 6am shouting at the boobie because it had fallen out of her mouth :roll:
She was up for the day at 8am :)

It was a good night because she went in her cot for a while and i got her to sleep twice without feeding her. I'm hoping if i can keep doing it she will stop waking up because there won't be a reason to wake up :pray: :pray:

How was everyone else last night?
The night was a bit better actually - woke at 11pm, 12.30am, 4am, up at 5.30am - but she slept inbetween those times so I am happy.

Well done Seed. Does she ever cry in her sleep. LO does that and then wakes herself up. Cute cry though.

Lola's mummy - yes I'm still hoping she will stop waking up when there is nothing to wake up for. :) I don't know why she can't get past midnight without a bottle ever and then I give her a goodnight milk at 12.30 and she still woke up at 4.30 hungry. hmmmm maybe i have to feed her more in the day but I am sure she will find another reason to visit in the night. LO won't sleep in our bed - seems to hate it - so have to keep running to her room.

LO at 4.30am... so happy...

:oops: the Panadol box is empty !!! just going through a cardboard chewing stage. :oops:
newmum your DD is gorgeous by the way! It's lovely when they're happy, almost makes the nights worthwhile...
Your babies are both gorgeous :D

midna - I have no idea when they stop dummying the boob, I hope it's soon though.
Lola also wakes up because she rolls in her sleep she's ok if she only makes it to her side but when she gets carried away she ends up on her front and wakes up :roll:

newmum - I try feeding Lola loads in the day time but it doesn't work for us. She has 3 soild meals a day, 2 of them with puddings. I also give her snacks through out the day and she has between 4 and 7 BF a day. She's only on the 25th cenitile sp? in her red book so i don't know where she puts it all
Thanks for posting a pic of your lovely little boy :) I don't remember seeing one of him before. It looks like his hair is going a little curly? I keep wondering if my LO will get curly hair as both me and OH had really curly hair when we were small.

So so so fed up of the 3am, 3.30, 4.30, up at 5am thing. I am usually only just getting to sleep then. That's after feeding her at 12. :(
Now it seems like she cannot drop the midnight feed but has stopped having one in the morning. Don't get her :)

The lack of sleep is getting to me now. I'm not depressed etc but I just don't want to do anything at all,all day. Everything takes too much energy and I just want to sit and stare at it all. :(
We had one of the worse nights ever last night :(

My poor baby isn't feeling well and she just couldn't sleep last night. I felt so sorry for her :(

I'm not really sure what's wrong with her but if she's no better today i'll get her in the doctors tomorrow.
Lola's mummy - oh no. have you any idea what it is? I hate it when they are ill. Next week we have the 6 month jabs - a month late but never mind. She is always ill after them for ages. :(

Can you find me a cool Avatar? Yours is funny - makes me laugh even if you post something serious :)
I have no idea just just being really clingy, has a runny nose and feels hot all the time. She has been a bit off her food as well so is only really having milk :(

I hoping it's just her teeth and she'll pick up a bit later :pray:

I'll have a look at avatar's for you but OH found me that one because i think snoopy is ace :cheer:
Found it - thanks :) Sent one back.

My new routine just failed. I was keep LO awake from 3pm so that she went to bed around 7-8pm. But today she wouldn't sleep and now she just went back to sleep really soundly. That means she is gonna be awake for a while tonight :wall:

SHame I have to work this evening... :rotfl: Poor OH.
oh no. What happened? Have you got a new battle plan yet?
So sorry :(

Sometimes OH says he will feed her in the night so I can sleep. But I know exactly what will happen:

LO: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
OH: :sleep:
me: (nudge) she's awake
LO: waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
me: are you gonna get her?
OH: :sleep: get what ? who?
ME: I'll get her....

Left a post for u on the 'million' thread.
Awww minda :hug: :hug: :hug: Sorry you had a bad night sweetie!

We had a terrible night last night aswell. It was the same sort of thing like she just couldn't get comfy. I just kept feeling really sorry for her though as i thought she was just feeling unwell.

Then at 1am she decided she would roll on her belly and start hitting the bed guard while shouting "da da da da dad" at the top of her voice :shock:
When i asked her what she was doing she just laughed at me :shakehead:
This went on for about 30 mins. Then she got bored and started kicking me so i just went downstairs to play with her until she got tired at 4am :| she was still waking up every 40 mins though to swap sides!

We should all move in together and take it in turns then at least we would get some sleep. By the way my OH slept though it all :evil:
That sounds sooo familiar! :rotfl:

Was knackered last night & ds decided it was time to play at 4am so I brought him in our bed and he decided he had to lie on my head. Nowhere else would do - it must have been so uncomfortable but he eventually went back to sleep with his head resting on mine and his feet on Daddy's head.

I know that sounds mild for you ladies (she got to sleep until 4am?) but remember I've had over a YEAR of this! Blimmin child.

Mid - ds had night where he would wake up every 30 mins, then take 10 mins to settle. By the time I got back to sleep he's be crying again.
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