Thank you girls- Starting breast feeding

i took it sunday monday and today.
wont take it again though
ToriElla said:
don't think my OH is keen on me restarting - that would probably make it more stressful to try and do it again wouldn't it :?

I would say that it is important that you have the support of your partner. Has he sid why he isn't keen for you to start? I find as soon as they know they don't have to do night feeds they soon get behind the idea :D

Kim how flexible are you?? lol. Adults have lost their suck rflex so would find it hard to get milk out.
Dionne as I am not medically trained I don't feel comfortable saying it would be ok. I don't know how long it takes to go out your system. I personlly would continue as he will be getting small amounts of milk from you but it is for you to decide.
kris is not bothered about it, he said its up to me he aint bothered untill he seen me trying to get Harley to latch he said "your wierd" i asked why he said hes to oldto be trying to get him to breast feed. but Harley corrected age is still only narly 2 weeks :?
babies are never too old. Now if he was 10 years old and you were trying then perhaps he'd have a point.....
he just thinks that it's too late, will confuse eva and finds me having milk inconvenient i think :?
i'm going to try and see if she latches on tomorrow :roll: i think i will try when she wants her dummy rather than when she is hungry and impatient because i think all my milk has gone. i had a few dregs about 3 weeks ago and i'm still tingley now and then so i don't think it would take THAT long if she co-operates.

i'll let you know how i get on :shhh:
Its not too late, and it won't confuse Eva. I am going to introduce formula next week as Seren is starting nursery and I haven't been able to get a good supply of EBM as we had to use it up over the last couple of days :( . I don't think it'll upset Seren too much, yes she oprefers the boob but when I'm not there she will take a bottle. So I think it is the same for you.

Good luck for tomorrow, I agree wait til Eva is calm and relaxed and then puit her back on it. I bet she'll pick it up pretty quick, how long has it been since she was last breastfed? There will still be milk there, your bodytakes ages to stop producing milk but it will take a bit of time to get it fully established but you will get there.

Any questions please ask. I was talking to a midwife today about breastfeeding and she said MW's and HV's get very little training on breastfeeding. In fact the coursee I am currently doing is more in depth and informative then any course they go on which I think it is terrible. My sister is coming down tomorrow but I will come on the computor once a day to answer any questions

thanks beanie :) i breastfed for the first 6weeks (with some formula too) then i stopped and restarted but gave in when she fussed and gave her a bottle. so i stopped about 3months ago.

hope you have a good time with your sister xx
Wow... what a wonderful thread to wake up to!

Well done Dionne and everyone re-trying BF. :dance: :dance: It will be hard at times but ultimately rewarding!!! Keep it up.

Dionne... get some help with latching on. It's so important and if not done correctly, could lead to sore/cracked nipples quickly.
I think Harley is a wee trooper - 7 seconds... Excellent!! :dance: :dance:

Emilia xx
Kim said:
Would it work if you suck your own? :oops:

Are they down to your knees or something Kim??!!! or are you just very flexible!!!?? :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :wink: :wink:
Dionne just seen this post, I take my hat off to you for giving it a go. Like Beanie said I was told by my midwife to do the tummy to mummy, nose to nipple technique, they also suggested to roll a muslin square up and put it underneath my breast to lift it so that the babies nose is not squashed into the boob - this works for me!!

hmm Eva sucked for about 3seconds and then sucked on her fist :| dunno if that is good or bad. it's crazy how quickly you forget how to position them.

i'm really tired this morning and woke up with negative 'i can't do it' feelings. think i should just persist?

Well done Tor!

In the early days when I found latching and positioning difficult at times I fed Olivia laying down in bed. I'd lie her on her back then I lay on my side next to her then roll her onto her side so that my nipple is at her mouth. I found it really relaxing.

Dionne, I'd give Harley half of his bottle first then offer him the boob, maybe he's jusdt so hungry that he's getting fed up having to work hard to get a bit of milk?

Good luck

Lucy said:
Dionne, I'd give Harley half of his bottle first then offer him the boob, maybe he's jusdt so hungry that he's getting fed up having to work hard to get a bit of milk?

That's what I was going to say.

Dionne you're doing really well, tell Kris you are NOT "weird" and it's the most natural thing in the world. The human race would not be here today if it weren't for breastfeeding.

My tip for latching on (as well as what everyone else is saying) Is to make sure you are comfortable first, you should not have to lean down to him, maybe lie a pillow on your lap so you are in a normal siting position, then lie his tummy towards you.
If he's getting flustered, make sure he's not too hot, tired, hungry etc. Try and get him when he's nice and relaxed.
Keep it up you're doing great!

:dance: You're doing great Dionne! Just remember to let Harley suckle throughout the day, not just when he has his formula. You need to really start stimulating your boobs to produce milk. Drink plenty of water and have lots of nice nutritious food - breastfeeding can be quite tiring sometimes. Most of all you need to relax - if you're feeling tense about feeding him then little Harley will pick up on it. I would also try breast compressions when he is on the breast - that way you will be helping your milk down into his mouth and he might stay on for longer. I used to worry about Ella being able to breathe, but she's still here!! :lol:

Tori - you can do it!! :clap:
Well done for starting to try and breastfeeding again hunnie, really pleased for you :) xx

Wow great job hun yoru doing awesome... keep up the good work!!! :clap:
How are you getting on Dionne?

I hope you realise we expect an update every day!

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