Thank you girls- Starting breast feeding

Even if he only takes some before bed, i wouldn't be bothered, it would just be nice to do the bond thing.

I'll have to see about the pill now

This link has some really useful information on re-starting your milk supply and increasing it

My sister has just reminded me that an old colleague of mine from yonks ago didn't bf her baby but when she was 10 wks old she was really quite depressed and spoke to a councellor. Turns out she did have some regrets about not BF and also some nightmares from her, traumatic, birth. So, she started to bf her baby (not sure how, when etc) but as she was going back to work soon all she wanted to do was get her milk supply up enough to be able to feed first thing in the morning and at night/during the night. She did and then went on to BF her daughter until she was 2.

To anyone that wants to try it, give it a go and see what happens - you'll get lots of support here.

It's such a shame that the post natal MW/HV aren't more clued up about BF, like a lot of girls here I only continued through the pain etc because of the tremendous help and support I got here (and a couple of other great websites who had bf councellors posting on them).

Dionne - have sent you a pm with a link to information about correct latching. Best to try and get a good latch to avoid the pain of cracked nipples. If it's sore when Harley is latching then it isn't a good latch and you should take him off and re-latch him.

Oh, I just remembered something else... when Olivia was 5 wks old I went to a hospital who specialised in sick children, their paediatric nurses were very well trained and experienced in getting babies to bf after long periods of tube/bottle feeding. Initially they thought Olivia was refusing the breast/had forgotten how to bf so they told me to have a bath with Olivia and (whilst still in the bath) whisk her out of the water and lay her on my chest then latch her onto my boob - they call it rebirthing. Maybe you could try this as well?


I so admire you girls who are going to give this a go! :) I think it is great, I sometimes regret stopping breastfeeding, but i personally feel its been too long now to start again, I dont think Im strong enough to persevere, but wish I was! If Id know this sooner then I would have definatly tried to get Ella back on the breast, I used to feel sad that I was producing less and less milk, only recetly dried up completely though.
The only intrest Ella shows in my boobs now is when we have a bath together and she grabs my nipple :shock: ouch!
layla said:
Its been 4 months since i breast fed so theres no hope for me :(

I dont think thats the case layla, im sure that there is a way of relactating. I was reading how mums whos babys were born through a surrogate were able to bf because of tablets taken. :D
Lucy said:

have a bath with Olivia and (whilst still in the bath) whisk her out of the water and lay her on my chest then latch her onto my boob - they call it rebirthing. Maybe you could try this as well?

thats quite amazing, its not something you would think of. :shock:
you are all making me feel like giving it another go (for the 3rd time!!)

do you still need to wear breastpads after you have been breastfeeding for a while? I hated that - kept leaking through my clothes and i always felt wet! I was using 3pads some days!!

I'm soooo pleased for you dionne.

Maybe we should start a relactation support group :D x
i do feel like im forcing Harley at the moment, he was due a feed and i offered him boob he was shaking his head side to side he then sucked for a few seconds then cryed i tryed a few times but he got some milk, am i wrong carrying on when hes clearly upset and wants his bottle?
also his face is so close to my boob it seems like he cant breath as his nose is covered then he comes up gasping for air?

ps i started taking the pill 3days ago, i took one this morning but wont be taking any more, so should i stop offering boob? also how long til is out of my system?

takes for the link im going to hve a read now,

good luk layla x
ToriElla said:
I'm soooo pleased for you dionne.

Maybe we should start a relactation support group :D x

so glad i ever asked the question is it possible for me to breast feed, i didnt even no there was such thing as relactation.
eva was the same when she was first born, it takes them all a few days to learn how to do it. don't worry about him breathing he will be able to. if you are concerned you can press your breast where his nose is and it will give him more room to breathe.

i was wondering that about the pill too. i'm on it and i want to see if eva would suck but i don't know if i would have to stop first. i mean what if i stopped the pill and she refused to suck??
Relactation is possible even if you haven't even given birth. You are going to have to teach baby how to breastfeed and also get your milk supply up. The best thing for you to do is let your baby suckle often about every 2 hours, a baby is more efficient then any type of pump. Even if baby is not getting ,milk out they can get comfort from sucking and this in turn will be telling your body to make more milkTo encourage baby to the breast try skin to skin contact, so put baby on your chest (perhaps whilst int he bath) and let them explore themselves around your breast, you may find that baby will try to latch on. Try and take galactagogues when increasing your milk supply, such as oats (porridge is a good one), fenugreek and alfafa, however even if taking these you must a,llow baby to suckle frequently. Your boobs are not a warehouse with milk stored in them, they are a factory which makes the milk that baby orders if you see what I mean. It is meant to be easier if baby is under four momnths but even if they do nopt take to the breast you can get your milk supply up and give them expressed breastmilk. It may take a while for baby to accept the boob as bottles are easier for them and they do not need to work as hard to get the milk out.

So if you are going to try relactation be prepared for very frequent feeding. This is normal and is the baby getting your milk up. Don't watch the clock instead watch baby and learn to read their cues, i.e. rooting for milk etc. It will be very tough at first but is well worth it as when your milk supply is up and going then baby will feed quicker and space feeds out more. Any advice needed just give me a shout.

Layla, as Coby is tongue tied I would recommend getting advice on latching on. Tongue tie is not an indication that you will not be able to feed, it may be that a different position would work best. PM me if you need any help hun :D
beanie should i be offering boob if i took the pill the last 3 days? i wont be taking it any more though
theres not much milk there atal but im trying to ge Harley used to sucking so dont want to have to stop trying?
dionne said:
beanie should i be offering boob if i took the pill the last 3 days? i wont be taking it any more though
theres not much milk there atal but im trying to ge Harley used to sucking so dont want to have to stop trying?

yeah i'm wondering the same thing about the pill. is it bad for the milk supply or are the hormones bad for the baby?
Dionne, babies noses are designed to allow them to feed. Has anyone shown yopu how to latch baby on. I find tummy to mummy is great, line your nipple up with their nose and rub it across theircheek or top lip to encourage them to open mouth wide. They need a big open mouth to take alot of the aereola into their mouth (the brown bit around your nipple). If latched on correctly baby should be swallowing gently, cheeks should not be sucked in, look for wiggling ears. Other signs are that most of the aereola is in their mouth and whilst there may be an initial toe curling pain at first (which will soon stop aftr a couple of feeds), this pain should fade and not be continuous. If you are suffering from pain during the whole feed, you need to break the latch, by putting your finger into the corner of their mouth, and latch them back on xx
Tori Ella, I don't have to wear pads anymore but I will when I go back to work as I won't be feeding Seren, wll be expressing but may leak if I get full.
nope no one has shown me but thats helped il give it a go
don't think my OH is keen on me restarting - that would probably make it more stressful to try and do it again wouldn't it :?
Would it work if you suck your own? :oops:
Dionne the combined pill is not advised as oestrogen can affect the milk supply. There have also been concerns around short- and long-term adverse effects on breastfeeding babies because small amounts of hormones will appear in breastmilk.

To be honest Dionne I would carry on, when was the last time you took the pill?

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