you can try perineal massage that is supposed to help with tearing , and and trying different positions in labour for most of mine I was up dancing through contractions
. Labour hurts there's no denying that but when its all over you dont remember the pain you just see this beautiful baby and think" I'd go through so much worse for you" . Tinkerbell there are some amazing one day ante natal classes for totally preparing you but honestly a c section is considered a major operation you wont be able to do much , with a natural labour you could be home in day afterwards
Once i'm pregnant I will have a good think about it, don't want to just out rule a natural birth as like you said c section is major surgery but I'm terrified of the pain, the tearing, stictches, things not be the same again down there and then on top of that I have a lung condition some I'm worried about the preasure and getting really out of breath plus i'm also diabetic so could have a larger baby and i'm only a tiny person i don;t see how babies get out
It's something I have to discuss with my CF doctor anyway and they may prefer a C-section as it could be easier on me in the long run.
I think my fears are made worse because my mum had an awful time having me, very long labour, i wasn't in the right position, was quite a big baby (9lb) and in the end had to be born my emergancy c-section which from how the section then affected her I know isn't the 'easy' option either and she didn't have a much better time with my sister - only just avoided another c-section but ended up with 44 stitched
and my sister wasn't even 6lb
I need to read some positive, easy birth stories i think haha