Terrified of labour

that's exactly how I feel Yoshi, I know it will be the most pain I've ever been through, but I also know it WILL be bearable and I just have to stay as calm as possible. My OH is stressing out more than I am about the labour, I can see myself having to shoo him out of the room!
Haha now see it's my mother I'm worried about, she might faint bless her! My OH though will wnat to know every single detail, see everything, he'll be a fully trained midwife by the time the babies out!! His mother is a midwife and she's going to deliver the baby which I think is lovely :)
its impossible to imagine what your first labour will be like and everyone is different. they way i looked at it was its in there now and its gotta come out lol!
just try to stay calm and in control, you cant compare it to anything you have experienced before so just try to relax and think about holding your little one for the first time xx
if you want pain relief, have pain relief, theres no shame in it, just stay positive and think 'i can do this'. it is gonna be painful but it seems to disappear as soon as you have the baby in your arms.
you will be fine and look back and think what was i worrying about :-)
Hi adele, im 21 as well and absolutely petrified!! i have a generally high pain tolerance but s till im petrified, although saying that the thought of a blood test sends me side ways (why cant men carry babies?? lol)

When are you due?!
Hi adele, im 21 as well and absolutely petrified!! i have a generally high pain tolerance but s till im petrified, although saying that the thought of a blood test sends me side ways (why cant men carry babies?? lol)

When are you due?!

yeah i know men get it too easy its not fair lol well i was practically crying when i went for a blood test never mind in labour am due on the 10th september when you due?
sept 30th......i reckon when it all kicks off we will just deal and it wont seem as bad as we'r eimaginig it to be cos thats always the case. yh i had blood test tuesdy and sat in front of the nursse crying for a bit.....oh dear what a pair we make eh!!
sept 30th......i reckon when it all kicks off we will just deal and it wont seem as bad as we'r eimaginig it to be cos thats always the case. yh i had blood test tuesdy and sat in front of the nursse crying for a bit.....oh dear what a pair we make eh!!

hahaha i know lol i will just deal with it when it happens prefer not to think of it until then but i will be going for epidural as it will take all the pain away lol
sept 30th......i reckon when it all kicks off we will just deal and it wont seem as bad as we'r eimaginig it to be cos thats always the case. yh i had blood test tuesdy and sat in front of the nursse crying for a bit.....oh dear what a pair we make eh!!

will be going for epidural as it will take all the pain away lol

I loved my last 2 labours and giving birth. My first wasnt a terrible birth but I was young and scared and I hadnt done my home work. I had an epidural because like you I was scared of the pain and it was my biggest mistake. I ended up with a very long labour and needed cutting and forceps to get her out.

The second time I was determined to have an active birth and get gravity to help rather than laying flat on my back for hours. I ended up with the most wonderful active labour and birth which was 6 hours long - 3 hours no pain relief, 2 and a half hours with G&A and the last 20 mins which was the pushing part, with nothing. I too said I wanted to do it all again about 10 mins after she was born.

My third was my favourite as this was at home but it followed the same pattern as the second and was the same length. I used hypnobirthing and as the others have said the key is to stay relaxed. Fear causes tension and if you are tense you are working against your body which make it painful. Relax and let your body do the work and you will have wonderful experience :)
im looking forward to a vbac this time if i have to have elective csection i wont dread the op just the recovery time but all in all i cant wait
lol what goes up must come down.... lol no matter how bad labour or anything is ... bubs is more than worth it.... im broody again already so enjoy it... apparently hypnobirthing is AMAZINNNGG i didnt try it as i knew i was havein section but if i was going natural again i wud defo give it a go xx
I'm so going to read up on Hypnobirthing :yay: if all works out for me :pray:

I think the absolute key in anyone pg is to learn as many breathing techniques as you can as they will definitely come in handy :)
I'm not scared of the birth although this is my first. I just think that I'll see how I go and if I can't bear the pain then I'll take whatever drugs they suggest!
I'm not scared of the birth although this is my first. I just think that I'll see how I go and if I can't bear the pain then I'll take whatever drugs they suggest!

Im like you not worried, but i reakon it will come later in the pregnancy as at the moment its a big thing to take in that im accually pregnant that the birth feels so far away.
But when i do think about it im just thinking wow, how proud will i be when its done! :whistle:
I am terrified also!!! It pops into my mind every now and then and I have a bit of a panic. I just keep thinking of my bits tearing and how painful that must be. I am such a big wimp. Perhaps I will be better when I know exactly what is going to happen and when I have a relaxation plan. Or maybe not.

I know excatly how you feel. Surely they should have made this easier.

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