Omg what's wrong with me!!?


Well-Known Member
Oct 1, 2011
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Ok I have been broody non stop for ages! I know I'm ready for a baby cos when I think of them I don't just think of now cute and tiny it'll be and dressing it in soft little clothes etc...I am thinking of pregnancy, labour and birth and more importantly all the things that come after. Baby words, baby steps, toddler and child stage, teenager...all that. Before all I thought about was baby and that's it so now i know its been more serious for a while.
However today.... I don't feel broody at all! I still want a baby but I'm not thinking of it all the time and no matter how much I try to imagine my baby, look at pics etc im not welling up or longing like I normally am! Is there anything wrong? Perhaps its cos I am down with other things on my mind ATM like my husbands dry spell.
I hope this doesnt mean I'm not ready for a baby!? I had never doubted it till now but I suppose the very fact its freaking me out and I'm posting here must mean its normal? I know id never feel like that if I was actually pregnant or was TTC.
You know before we started ttc 10 years ago I was exactly the same....when we started I wasn't. It's almost like once you start or are ready to start those obsessions can disappear a bit cos you are actually determined on doing something about it.
When we gave up ttc after 6 years of no joy I kind of just settled into being an auntie instead. Now 4 years on from that I am pregnant and like WTF????? :shock:. Now I am obsessing again lmao but this time for real and only about each milestone. I'm not looking so far ahead as the birth until it's closer, just taking every day as it comes xxxxxxxxx
I'm a bit better now but I was just freaking out cos it's such a drastic change to how I feel most of the time, and I'm not even TTC yet! :shock:
I was really broody before I got pregnant and then had a month or so of feeling not too bothered about it all and that I could happily wait a bit longer. The next month I found out I was pregnant!
I was sooooo broody for a while - but didn't feel ready (although the OH was dying for a wee one!) then watching One Born Every Minute etc really put me off.

So we started trying for a baby in December - but I've always had a doubt I wouldn't get pregnant and for a while it never - but now BAM! I'm so excited, can't stop thinking of baby stuff! Looked into labour etc and actually can't wait to experience it all :) xxx

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