Tell me something about you .....

Erm well I met westlife backstage and went on stage with them, check me out lol!!

At school I got suspended in year 9 for bringing 20 snails into the classroom and putting them in all the teachers drawers!! And then when she threw them out the window we called the RSPCA!! Oh I still laugh about itnow!!
I used to get babysat but "h" from steps xx

I'm in a rush but I'll get back to you on all the wonderful things I've done over the yrs xx

Brilliant thread btw xxx
This is a great thread :-)

I have a selection of weird and nasty stories, mostly from A&E... Have retrieved a number of items from various parts of peoples bodies and they ALL say they "fell" on it. Only honest person I met in that 6 months was a young guy who said (of the corgette rammed up his butt) "yeah, I was a bit bored and y'know, watching some porn and thought why not..."

I'm sure nurse drummer has some good 'uns too!

Strange things about me personally? I have 2 house rabbits that hop merrily around my house without any restrictions and I ride a motorbike :-). I will quite happily spend my weekends covered in grease and playing with cars...
on my first ever date with my first ever boyfriend we went to a pub and played pool and he bought me lunch. I had a jacket potato and it tasted sweet and had black bits but I didn't want to make a fuss as I was only 17 and I was on my first ever date. I ate the lot.

While we were playing pool after lunch I kept having to go to the loo to throw up as this potato didn't agree with me. I told him it was because I had my period that I had to go to the loo and he believed me!

Loving all your stories ladies
When me and OH still lived with out parents - if i needed a poo and i was at his i would drive the 15 minutes home for one and then drive back to his again when i had finished! lol!
Hey Ladies,

Thought it might be fun to share some weird and wonderful things that we have done in our lives ... I will start!!

Years ago I was Nicky Clark's PA .... only lasted a month as he was the meanest person ever, but I did get a free haircut :dance:

The freakiest thing I have ever done is see a dead body :shock: .. my mums friend worked for an undertakers and when I was about 14 I asked if I could go to work with her one day, and there were 3 dead bodies, 2 old chaps and an old lady .... and I touched them!!!:shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:

Who's next .....

I work for a major beauty company and years ago we had Nicky Clarke at one of our shows doing a spoof BGT audition as a bit of fun, he stormed out of the building in a huff because his mic didn't work! What a t***!!

I also used to work for Virgin Atlantic as a trolley dolly and met quite a few famous folks, including Morgan Freeman who I love (Shawshank is my favourite film) and I was so disappointed because he dictated no one was even allowed to look at him! Gutted! I thought he'd be so nice too! Xx
Haha fun thread, love it!

Well I was a bit of a band stalker in my teenage years and have lots of stories from those days... A few are... used to drink in Robbie Williams local (am from Stoke) and had a lock in with him once. Had a cuppa tea with Kelly Jones from sterephonics in his house once! Met Oasis quite a few times and Noel sent a taxi to his county house once to fetch us some box sets and signed em for us. Spent a night in a hotel room with Bonehead and a friend (nothing dodgy though!!! Haha) Oh and when Robbie Williams had that big court case with the take that manager we sat in the back of the courtroom and watched. Funny times! Miss them days.
Hmmm, famous links... my first boyfriend was a main character in Shameless - but the thought makes me vomit little in my mouth now so totally cringey...

Also, i went to the same school as Mark Owen.

Andy from Emmerdale used to come into the club i worked in a lot - oh my god he's tiny! And that's something coming from a 5'2 lady like myself :whistle:

Oh, bumped into Phil and Fern when we went to London too :)

I went to A&E once because the dog had nearly ripped my nose off :oooo: In fact i almost lost my finger to a dog too.

I'm good at skiing.

And i can't of anything else note worthy :blush:
I love this thread so much - i have been laughing out load annoying hubby as he asks all the time "what now"!

People have mentioned people they know so i thought i would add that i went to uni with Ricky Whittle (Kelvin from hollyoaks and i think he was in a football show too)

We did law together (well he was there for one year) we were in the same group - and I spent many a night getting very drunk with him (and the rest of the uni football team)!

Cool thread

The best thing I ever did was be true to myself! After a few years of lying to myself I came out the closet! Lol I am now happily married (3yrs) (been together 5yrs) to the woman of my dreams! And still can fulfil my dreams of a large family :)
i like doing a good old jigsaw!! is that really sad at 25? xx
great thread. i used to go out with a footballer he played for bit of a rubbish team at the time. i dumped him and he pestered me for weeks kept sending me presents and i was having none of it. he now plays in the premiership. could of been a footballers wife lol
when i was about 18 i was sat at traffic lights in my little car and for some unknown reason i decided to see how many fingers i could get in the bit were you would play tapes. needless to say i ended up with my fingers stuck in there. was horrid the lights kept changing and i couldnt drive off and people were beeping at me in the end i manage to to yank them out but took about 3 layers of my skin off lol
i have done so may stupid things i could prob wright a book lol xxxxxxxxxx
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Oh this thread is soo funny ladies! keep them coming , it's brilliant, ive been in stitches.

Well I used to play ice hockey for England senior ladies team, until about 4 years ago, It took me years to get there, and sp I was the oldest one in the team as I only started playing at 20! But I got there in the end, it was really hard work competing with 18 year olds..

I appeared as a contestant of Ice Warriors in 2007 and so met "Nasty Nigel" (the producer of Pop starts the rivals) , and he really was mean.... I found out that tv was not real competition, but just for making good tely... so disapointed..

I have been interviewed for Radio by Maggie Philbin, won the pride of my town good sports award, which was cool. (loved that someone had taken the time to nominate me it so much , that I nominated a comunity voluteer this year (6 years on) and they won too!! Feels great to do a good deed.

I once hung off a railway bridge ( I was 13) for a dare with my mate, and once back on the bridge, we got caught ! The station was just down the track and they had seen me, and run to the bridge to catch us, they took our names and address's , I was so stupid, I used an name of a horrible girl from school and thinking fast, used a address that was wayyyy to local !! DUH (just a few streets away). Every time we heard or saw a police car for months, we paniced and hid.....

When I was about 12 I thought I'd trim my fringe instead of my mum doing it.. A little snip, led to another and another, I cut most of my hair off, and then realised....... my mum has hilarious holiday photos taken a few weeks later in scotland sporting my shocking new look.........

I once had a gym instructor boyfriend - I got free tickets to a posh club via him , I went early morning one day and sat halfway through workout on a weights station and sighed a big sigh, (not really wanting to be there), and looked to the left, and the fella next to me sighed a big sigh and looked right at me, and said " you two?", I nodded , and he smiled and got up and left... (he looked familier in some way). About 5 minutes later , I realised it was Nick Faldo...(the famous golfer!).

At school , I bunked off metalwork lesson last thing on day as the teacher was nasty as I was shy and picking on me (I was really not confident in those days), only I couldn't go home as I had to walk my younger brother home, so I hid in the bushes behind a shops car park, where I could see the school gates where he would be waiting. Some horrible dobbing mum saw me and told the school!!! I got dragged out of my lovely bushes back to school all the way by my ear!! by the deputy head..
great thread. i used to go out with a footballer he played for bit of a rubbish team at the time. i dumped him and he pestered me for weeks kept sending me presents and i was having none of it. he now plays in the premiership. could of been a footballers wife lol
when i was about 18 i was sat at traffic lights in my little car and for some unknown reason i decided to see how many fingers i could get in the bit were you would play tapes. needless to say i ended up with my fingers stuck in there. was horrid the lights kept changing and i couldnt drive off and people were beeping at me in the end i manage to to yank them out but took about 3 layers of my skin off lol
i have done so may stupid things i could prob wright a book lol xxxxxxxxxx

Oh Hayels, that's soo funny, but not about your fingers!:shock:

You reminded me, I once was driving along and had forgotten to reset the mileage button, so I suddenly went "oh" and put my hand through the wheel to press it quickly, and then had to turn the corner in the road and nearly snapped my arm off (as the wheel has divider bars in it that move as I turned):lol:
great thread. i used to go out with a footballer he played for bit of a rubbish team at the time. i dumped him and he pestered me for weeks kept sending me presents and i was having none of it. he now plays in the premiership. could of been a footballers wife lol
when i was about 18 i was sat at traffic lights in my little car and for some unknown reason i decided to see how many fingers i could get in the bit were you would play tapes. needless to say i ended up with my fingers stuck in there. was horrid the lights kept changing and i couldnt drive off and people were beeping at me in the end i manage to to yank them out but took about 3 layers of my skin off lol
i have done so may stupid things i could prob wright a book lol xxxxxxxxxx

Oh Hayels, that's soo funny, but not about your fingers!:shock:

You reminded me, I once was driving along and had forgotten to reset the mileage button, so I suddenly went "oh" and put my hand through the wheel to press it quickly, and then had to turn the corner in the road and nearly snapped my arm off (as the wheel has divider bars in it that move as I turned):lol:

I thought the fingers bit was the funniest??! lol sorry hayels! xxxx
Cool thread

The best thing I ever did was be true to myself! After a few years of lying to myself I came out the closet! Lol I am now happily married (3yrs) (been together 5yrs) to the woman of my dreams! And still can fulfil my dreams of a large family :)

Well done you Terri - a very good mate of mine did just the same a few years ago, I knew her with her husband and it was always a bit odd, couldn't put my finger on what it was. Now she is happily married to her wifey , best thing she ever did, the difference in her and her relationship is amazing.

Thank you for sharing your story
Louise....which character???

You lot are all weird BTW, and possibly want locking up :eh:

I took a passport photo for one of the King brothers from Emerdale, and the Pigeon Detectives. Thats my only claim to fame, well that and the fact my OH is Harry Styles ;)

In my childhood.....i drank dogs wee. It peed on the floor and i was curious :(

I also crawled through dog poo whilst climbing a wall - how it got on the wall i dont know, my Mum wasnt impressed tho!

I twisted, my ankle, sprained my knee and broke my wrist running backwards in P.E - Clumsy!

I thought and still think Mount Everest is down south somewhere - my friends never let live that down.

Errrr.....i was out last Saturday, farted (drunk) and cleared half the dance floor :shy:

Louise....which character???

You lot are all weird BTW, and possibly want locking up :eh:

I took a passport photo for one of the King brothers from Emerdale, and the Pigeon Detectives. Thats my only claim to fame, well that and the fact my OH is Harry Styles ;)

In my childhood.....i drank dogs wee. It peed on the floor and i was curious :(

I also crawled through dog poo whilst climbing a wall - how it got on the wall i dont know, my Mum wasnt impressed tho!

I twisted, my ankle, sprained my knee and broke my wrist running backwards in P.E - Clumsy!

I thought and still think Mount Everest is down south somewhere - my friends never let live that down.

Errrr.....i was out last Saturday, farted (drunk) and cleared half the dance floor :shy:


you drank dogs wee??? and you think we are weird and need locking up??? lol
haha my friends dont let me live the finger thing down lol. x

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