Tell me something about you .....

Ok i was saving these ones but i'll role them out now..............

1, we were asked to draw a nice poster for the wall in year 1 so our parents could see them on parents evening. I drew a picture of a cat and wrote "my mum feeds me cat food" lol - she was mortified

2, I went into school (still year one) very upset and told my teacher that i had seen my dad kissing a woman on the living room floor. and the woman wasnt my mum! SO the school called both my mum and dad in for a chat. turns out he was practicing cpr on a manakin for his refresher first aid exam. hahahaha! big oops!!
Ha, good thread making me laugh!

Claims to fame - I have had a drink with the Neighbours of old cast in a pub in Melbourne. I was in fact chated up by none other than Harold Bishop but if Im honest he did chat every female in thd pub up. Ive also been on the BBC news being interviewed and had a beer with Bez from the Happy Mondays!

Daft - I once put my tongue in a hair crimper (80's) as I wanted to see what would happen to it!! I had a little overnight fling with an army man and got locked IN the barracks prompting a security alert as to how I got in in the first place.

School - I have played strip poker in thd back of an art class and had a bit of ok in a Chemistry Lab at lunch time at high school!
Dont think ive giggled this much in a while!!!

You put your tongue in crimpers? lol!
I once decided to staple my thumb to see if it would go through my nail..... It did!
Ok my most classic.....

Me and Oh went on a picnic after about 8 months of being together. We were sat eating our yummy sandwiches that has Bernard Matthews turkey ham in!!!

I piped up - "Chris - What bird does ham come from?"

Never lived it down!!!
Haha, I come out with crazy stuff regularly - I think I speak before thinking! My friend said she was going to Venice in April and I said "ooh, we might be going there the same time - I will wave to you from the Eiffel tower'" WTF......geography was never my best subject but to get Venice and Paris mixed up!! I was very embarrassed!
I'm a typical blonde with light brown hair :-) x
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Oh, I also once said to my ex in a very loud voice "ooh, that duck's only got 3 legs - it must have lost one"!! it took him several minutes before he could stop laughing at me! Everyone around us looked at me like I was on something!
Ahhh my classic work moment -

lifeguarding a disabled swim session - a guy wheels himself to the pool in his wheel chair. hes only got one leg (or so i think) next thing he pulls his only leg off and passes it to me - i sort of just stood there with my mouth open and this leg in my hands thinking what the f**k do i do with this!!!!!

Had all the other lifeguards in stitches!!

Years ago when I was a naive 18 year old I worked as a community care assistant - helping people with washing, dressing etc. I was sent to visit this old guy who lived in a caravan and everyone else refused to visit him as he drank heavily, chain smoked and was a hoarder. I knocked on his caravan door and it opened as he had locked it but not closed it! I went in calling out hello several times and knocking on doors as I went through the caravan. I got no reply and there was no sign of the old guy. I was concerned about walking into a stranger's house in case I scared him. I walked into the bedroom and saw a body lying very still under the bed covers, and appeared not to be breathing. Then I noticed a leg protruding out of his discarded trousers on the bedroom floor. It totally freaked me out - i thought he had been killed and someone had cut off his leg!!! Then the guy woke up, saw me at the end of his bed and let out a yell of fright - I then screamed in shock too! It turned out he had an artificial leg which was what I had seen on the floor! Nobody had thought to tell me when I was sent to see him!
Loving all the storys very funny ...

When I was 12 I saw the Bee Gees didn't have a clue who they were!!

Ohh and I have been back stage at a Bad Boys Inc concert .... crap I feel old lol
Years ago when I was a naive 18 year old I worked as a community care assistant - helping people with washing, dressing etc. I was sent to visit this old guy who lived in a caravan and everyone else refused to visit him as he drank heavily, chain smoked and was a hoarder. I knocked on his caravan door and it opened as he had locked it but not closed it! I went in calling out hello several times and knocking on doors as I went through the caravan. I got no reply and there was no sign of the old guy. I was concerned about walking into a stranger's house in case I scared him. I walked into the bedroom and saw a body lying very still under the bed covers, and appeared not to be breathing. Then I noticed a leg protruding out of his discarded trousers on the bedroom floor. It totally freaked me out - i thought he had been killed and someone had cut off his leg!!! Then the guy woke up, saw me at the end of his bed and let out a yell of fright - I then screamed in shock too! It turned out he had an artificial leg which was what I had seen on the floor! Nobody had thought to tell me when I was sent to see him!

Haha!! I had no idea what to do with this leg - I just propped it up by the wall lol!!! It wouldn't have been as much of a shock if I'd known it was fake!!! X
I once saw Noel Edmonds when I was out shopping with my grandma (many many years ago when I was about 7), and I was also on Saturday Swap shop making paper mâché dinosaurs (!!!), and I met Duncan Goodhew, Maggie Philburn and Keith Chegwin lol - not much to brag about!! :-)
I once saw Noel Edmonds when I was out shopping with my grandma (many many years ago when I was about 7), and I was also on Saturday Swap shop making paper mâché dinosaurs (!!!), and I met Duncan Goodhew, Maggie Philburn and Keith Chegwin lol - not much to brag about!! :-)

Oh my god hun - I've just hosted a masterclass with Duncan goodhew at my work!! He's so funny!!! X
I once saw Noel Edmonds when I was out shopping with my grandma (many many years ago when I was about 7), and I was also on Saturday Swap shop making paper mâché dinosaurs (!!!), and I met Duncan Goodhew, Maggie Philburn and Keith Chegwin lol - not much to brag about!! :-)

Oh my god hun - I've just hosted a masterclass with Duncan goodhew at my work!! He's so funny!!! X

I remember he was lovely when I met him all those years ago.
Yes he's a lovely guy!!

Right I need to go to bed cos in up at 3.45 for work!!

Night everyone thank you for making me smile :-)


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