Tell me something good about little boys!

My little man is fab, he is very close to me and when he puts his arms around me for a hug and a kiss he makes my heart melt. Yes he can be a litte bugger but all kids are whether they are boy or girl.

Boys are generally closer to their mums
I know Jake is still a baby but he is sooo loving and he is such a happy little boy. My little brother is 2 1/2 and he is also really loving and most of the time he is well behaved. He is also really funny with some of the stuff he says and does. My Mum has got four girls and three boys and she thinks that boys are a lot easier to bring up than girls. I do agree though that it also has something to do with how they are bought up and not just if they are a girl or a boy.
Hi I have a 5 year old girl and 16 month old son and if I am honest when I was pregnant with son I really wanted another girl. However if I was to concieve now I think I would like another boy.

My son is such a character and sooo loving in comparison to how my daughter was a baby. It is just great to be raising a boy and a girl and I think you will be a very lucky person if you get to do it to :wink:
Gemma & Jake said:
My Mum has got four girls and three boys and she thinks that boys are a lot easier to bring up than girls.

I've heard this from alot of people! I think it's more when they get older.
Boys are definately more laid back, girls tend to scream and tantrum more, my sils boys are fab, so polite calm and lovely, however daisy her 3 year old is the opposite, I'll also have to agree as Paris is EXTREMELY hyper and naughty
I don't think you can generalise about the sexes as each child is different.

I have two boys. One of 17 and the other of 7 weeks. They are both great and I wouldn't swap them for girls for the whole world. As sweet as they can be I have never wanted a girl.

With my oldest son I definitely found him more loving and cuddly for longer than my sister's two girls were. He was a mummy's boy without being soft - it just meant he was caring and considerate to me.

During his teens he was a lot easier to handle than my neices. Less moods, no periods, more straight talking and no worries about stupid boyfriends! :D
It all depends on their genes and the parental upbringing...
My boys are SO well behaved !! (*lol :dance: ) and so is my daughter.

Keep them under thumb from day #1!!!

Hope my next isnt such a nightmare.........................
My son is nine now and I wouldn't swap him for a girl for all the tea in China. He was the first boy on our side in 65 years!!. God yes he was a handful, full of energy and mischief but he is golden now. My sister has three grisl who squeal constantly, wouldn't swap places for anything!!
Yup, lol boy's aren't so high pitched! And my little man is always so pleased to see me he makes me wanna cry. Every morning he's so excited and i get the biggest squeeze and if he is up first, he kisses me awake and calls me a princess..When I get him from school he runs to get me shouting 'wow my mummies back, look everyone...'
He tells complete strangers in the street that I'm his mam, and tells me he loves me thousands of times everyday. I couldn't hope for a better child (mostly) I can't explain how wonderful he is... he's the man :cheer:
My son is nine now and I wouldn't swap him for a girl for all the tea in China. He was the first boy on our side in 65 years!!. God yes he was a handful, full of energy and mischief but he is golden now. My sister has three grisl who squeal constantly, wouldn't swap places for anything!!
Yup, lol boy's aren't so high pitched! And my little man is always so pleased to see me he makes me wanna cry. Every morning he's so excited and i get the biggest squeeze and if he is up first, he kisses me awake and calls me a princess..When I get him from school he runs to get me shouting 'wow my mummies back, look everyone...'
He tells complete strangers in the street that I'm his mam, and tells me he loves me thousands of times everyday. I couldn't hope for a better child (mostly) I can't explain how wonderful he is... he's the man :cheer:

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