Team Yellow Supporters Thread

I keep doing the same calling baby he or she and then having to correct myself. It depends who I'm with and what they call baby. People probably think I'm lying about not finding out and keep accidentally dropping hints!! LOL.
I have accidentally said both he and she, but I'll be honest, neither feels right :( I can't believe I was soooo sure with Amelia, yet this time I don't feel either way. This pregnancy is so different. I think I must be having a puppy :)
I say 'he' most of the time only cos I do feel I'm having a boy, my daughter was a 'he' too though!
I say he all the time cos the the boys !!! glad to b team yellow the it when u give birth and look down to c what u have got !!! xxx
I said he with both my girls lol so I'm probably having a girl too!
Yeah my mum swears I found out lol!
I'm really looking forward to the moment we find out and get to hold our baby boy/girl there and then :D xx
yeah, that's what o/h calls the baby, it's his name that he uses when he can't remember the name for something. So I usually get "pass me the doofer" when he means the tv remote or something :lol:
OH! lol!! how funny!!! we havent got a nickname yet for baby.. did have 'the blob' when we had our early scans and it was literally just a blob lol.. but now its just 'it' or 'bubs' or 'that little git wont let me sleep!!!' haha!!

Managed to stay team yellow today!! even tho i had mil there and she kinda gave me a look when i said we wasnt finding out.. hate how my OH didnt back me up (managed to get day off work) when i was talking about not finding out. guess hes told her it was my choice as he has been bk n forth and knows she wants to know really bad!


sod it! i won!! hahah!!
mind u the pics ive put on here look like theres a winkie.. ill be well pissed off if it is coz i told her i didnt wanna know the sex :(
Hello ladies, i had my scan today and we are team yellow. I don't think the sonographer was planning to tell us anyway as i said to him when we got there we didn't want to know and he said well this is an abnomally scan not a sexing scan so we are here to look at the measurements and growth not whether you are having a boy or a girl. Stupid man, made me feel silly. Good job we didn't want to know!
Huh! That's not exactly forthcoming! Good job you didn't want to know :hug: x
Hello ladies, i had my scan today and we are team yellow. I don't think the sonographer was planning to tell us anyway as i said to him when we got there we didn't want to know and he said well this is an abnomally scan not a sexing scan so we are here to look at the measurements and growth not whether you are having a boy or a girl. Stupid man, made me feel silly. Good job we didn't want to know!

:oooo: how rude!!

stupid little divvy man!!:shakehead::mad:

how did it go?xx
And welldone for staying team yellow :) even though u had no choice.. (evil man :mad:)
We have our 20 week scan on Monday and I am trying to remain true to my yellowness. It's been something I have been struggling with over the last few days but I will be strong and not find out......I hope?! Come on Kirsten, be strong!!!!!
I'm team yellow although I do feel the temptation to find out. I'd be happy with a girl or a boy so I will try to resist the urge. Few weeks yet anyway! :)
We are team Yellow too!

We are just doing out our first house so the spare room was magnolia (boring i know) But is a tiny room and so i bought some animal (lion hippo etc) theme curtains and matching cot quilt and i am going to put nice pictures on the wall which can be for a girl or boy....

im loving not knowing which is so strange! you would think i would be desperate but im honestly 100% not bothered which it is... its my first so you would think i would want to know!
I love the guessing tho and i know some people won't like this but when i was little i hated pink with a passion and im not keen on blue... so if i was having a girl i would hate for everything to be all pink... same with a boy and blue... Im so strange i know!

:D:D x
We're Team Yellow too!! I keep swaying but the excitement of the surprise is keeping me strong and my OH is very Team Yellow so that helps too :D May need some support closer to the scan though.. help stopping my curiosity get the better of me lol xx

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