Team Yellow Supporters Thread

i am not team yellow... but i totally take my hats off to you all...
I will be finding out in 3 weeks, because i have to due to when baby is due and what will be going on in my life at the time... but i would MUCH RATHER HAVE A SURPRISE!!!
i have been told that labour is much better when you are pushing to find out what it is...
You have all the mystery when out shopping...
You get to play around with 2 lots of names you like!!...
Your OH gets to not only call everyone up and tell everyone the baby has arrived... but also whether its a boy or girl!!...
Everyone will be guessing and no one will know until its born.... the suspense will kill everyone!!

I would definitely stay team yellow if i could...
i think you are all so strong for keeping it until the last minute to find out!!

I need some help today.. OH told me he would prefer to know last night :( but knows i dont want to know so will not know basically for me.. nothing like guilt lol!!
Found out a mum from school i speak to is preg (thought she was for a month but its rude to just ask when ur wrong lol) and she is due in oct.. she goes to the hosp i was supposed to go to where u cant find out anyway.. and she praised me for not finding out but also would wanna find out if she had the choice.. just talking about it makes me think shall i just do it? get it over and done with?
Things would be so much easier if i went to the new hospital!!!!
Encouraging words PLEASE ladies.. stop me finding out!!!! my scan is at 2pm
Don't do it hun. If I were you, I'd just tell the sonographer as soon as you go in and then theres no chance that you will be put in the position where you are asked and have to make a decision.

Will you be having extra scans? My 20 week scan was my last scan so now it's out of the way there is no way that I can find out.
Yes make sure u tell them as soon as you go in that u don't want to know, just remember your wee surprise in your head :hug: x
Stay strong, don't give in to OH! It will so nice for him telling everyone, I'm sure people are a lot more excited about the sex when you give birth than when you tell them while your pregnant. I've noticed this with my own friends and family, I'm a lot more excited when they give birth, otherwise it's just like 'oh baby's here, already know it's a boy, no surprise!'

Cerise, sorry I don't get why your finding out when you don't want to?
I was told I would need scans every 2 weeks but I'll be at the hospital that won't let u find out.. Now my oh's family want to know :'( feel so guilty as it's their first and I'm the only one who doesn't wanna know. Oh has changed his mind and wants to know now..
Actually getting upset over it! Told him it's not meant to be about the gender it's about the wellbeing of our baby!
Stay strong hun. It's not fair that family and friends put pressure on you, it should be up to you and your OH.
Thing is I now know he what's to know.. It's his first how can I deny him of that? I said if there was a genuine reason he wanted to know besides impatience then I'll do it but he knows how much I don't want to know.. But I don't want him to secretly resent me for it!

This forum needs an iPhone app it's a pain doing this on my phone! Lol!
He will know just in 4 months like everyone else!
Thanks for all ur support picking my eldest up now to go as noone can pick her up from school
I'll update with pics and NO GENDER when the kids are in bed :) unless we find out I'll need to rant here for a bit lol!!
Hoping everything goes well as I'm having my first cervix scan too xx
I totally agree with the other girls hon - stick to what you want and don't feel you have to bow down to pressure. I had so many people ask me if we knew what we were having after my scan, it seems it's the norm these days to find out which I think is such a shame. Yes it does make shopping before hand a little tricky but I figure people will be buying outfits for baby left right and centre once it's here. I can't wait for that priceless moment when I hear baby cry for the first time and the midwife tells us what it is and then the excitement of OH texting all our friends and family to announce it :) x x
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I use the tapatalk app that supports this forum :) far easier.
Good luck and stay strong. It's our first too and we don't want to know :)
THANK YOU PRINCESS!!!!! such a brilliant app!!

Anyway... I'm officially team......YELLOW!!
although we need to have another scan on tuesday as she wasn't able to see base of baby's spine, right kidney or bladder due to it's position.. But she loved the position for the heart though, couldn't stop raving about it! Even recorded it lol!
Got 4 great pics..
We said from start we didn't want to know but baby's legs were spread when she done the thigh bone measurements and said 'oops sorry!' and she quickly moved away!
we got there half hr early and was seen 15 mins early so had a nice long scan :D had my cervix scanned and it's 37 in length so she said we dont need further scanning as they say under 30 would need monitoring.. So that's great news :D
She asked me to go for a walk and drink a fizzy drink to get baby to move so she could finish her tests but it didn't help.. So we have to go back on tuesday for another scan lol... Glad we get to see baby again :D funny coz baby has been battering me non stop all day and I said to OH that I bet it sleeps thru scan and it did lol.. His mum thinks she can see boy parts on a scan pic.. I dont think so though..
She was a lovely lady and I doubt she would have let and gender signs slip!
Pics :)


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Omg I love this app!! All forum users should know about it!! So easy to upload pics!! Saves having to put them on comp and resize so many times before it will upload!!!
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Cerise, sorry I don't get why your finding out when you don't want to?

I am the land lady of a pub, and own a dance school, and the baby is due in december when the pub is MANIC busy and my dance school does christmas shows and are in a professional pantomime so i need to be really prepared. we are moving the pub around so the nursery is upstairs and deccorating in the summer hols, have bought most of the furniture already and just little things like buying clothes and naming the baby will be less stressful if we can get it all done in advance! if it was being born at any other time then i wouldn't find out!

Aw if u dont want to know then you shouldnt have to.. choose boy and girl names.. buy unisex, boy and girl clothes.. then youll be prepared :D Decorate in neutral colours.. we have actually found some lovely unisex bedding for the crib.. we will buy the cot bedding once baby is here..
I see, you just want to be more organized! Do you not just fancy getting neutral stuff and nursery, that's what I'm doing as I'm sure people will bring lots of boy or girl gifts when baby is born so you won't need to go shopping or anything? We have a list of boy names and list of girl names to chose from as well.

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